21 thoughts on “AP Source: Lindsay Lohan Released From Rehab

  1. optimusprime105

    @FromDreamz2Reality yeah I agree with you. I mean, hey, maybe she’ll get her head from her ass and put it on her shoulders and actually think and get her life together

  2. FromDreamz2Reality

    @optimusprime105 I don’t agree. I don’t think it’s fair she gets released from rehab early just cause she’s a celebrity. And just because her “fans” want her released doesn’t mean she should be. WOW. It’s a real pitty that she gets away with everything just cause she’s famous.

  3. codexdecipher

    It’s pretty shock that she’s into cocaine addiction. The bad news is that she will be tie up in jail bed and screaming and screaming for cocaine. When you look at 0:23. She’s looks pretty lost and messed up.

    MAybe it’s government spending that screw the American’s economy. Tiger, bp oil, it’s everywhere…..

  4. DRSmetal

    Released from rehab? How long does it take to be in rehab? She barely served any time! must be nice to get away from so much drama and BS. None of us would never be able to get away with this.

  5. ninjadremcow


    The? Metal Militia? will be? attacking Justin Biebers BABY video

    on September 1st? onward … Remember to dislike, put?? a comment and? flag on the baby vid on sep 1.

    We?? need your help to? destroy this modern autotune music that

    has ruled? the world.? Copy paste this? comment on every good music?

    video such? as: Metallica, Dio,?? AC/DC,the doors, Beatles,?Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, hendrix,

    Guns n’ Roses, etc.

    Thumbs up 2? this plan

  6. optimusprime105

    Yes! She is released!. now Lindsay, Put our life back together and Get your fans back! 😀 because we really miss the Old Lindsay. (thumbs p if you agree with me)

  7. BertGriffin88

    Lohan, look at how you physically looked before going to jail & rehab. Look at how you look now. Stay off the booze, dope, & medication. If you’re doing things that cause you to do dope, booze, & medication, stop doing them. If you have faux friends that want you to do dope, booze, & medication then they’re not friends & get rid of them. Good Luck Lohan.

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