Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan – Most Exciting Comeback?

Amanda Bynes VS Lindsay Lohan which comeback are you most excited for!? – Subscribe Now! – Follow …

25 thoughts on “Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan – Most Exciting Comeback?

  1. Vinay S

    I only want them to be healthy and happy. A comeback will only serve them, if they truly enjoy the comeback. And that also depends on the project, story, characters? and the state it will bring them in.

  2. MizzKaylaLeigh

    No, you shouldn’t say that. That’s horrible. Amanda isn’t healthy right now, and everything happening on twitter is behavior that is being caused by whatever she is suffering from. Sadly, she won’t get the help? that she needs at the moment, but when she does, I’m sure she will look back at her Twitter and be confused and embarrassed. Nobody should be encouraging her.

  3. PSdaniti

    Lindsay duh… I love them both… but Amanda wants to sing… I? want more comedy! They both should stay as comedians… idk think about it!

  4. Etreby001

    I think that Amanda Byrnes shod go to therapy to? discuss her problems and whether she is feeling forgotten or is she remembered

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