Again! Linsay Lohan in trouble for blowing off community service American celebrity Lindsay Lohan got away with community service and counselling after stealing an expensive necklace. But as soon as she was out of the courtroom, Lohan went back to her hard-partying ways, throwing drinks at photographers and befriending multimillionaire hotelier Vikram Chatwal. In fact, Lohan has been so busy, she’s in big trouble for blowing off her community service and counselling. She has been kicked out of LA’s Downtown Women’s Center for absences and frequently skips counselling. If the judge finds Lohan has violated the terms of her probation on Wednesday, she could be going to jail for more than a year.

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18 Responses

  1. BeeCityRoller says:


  2. billeybop says:

    Linz has a show called “Where’s The Forkin’ Judge” . This is her bread and butter since she lost her acting and star status. Be patient, she will not get renewed! 🙂

  3. RapIsDeadly says:


    She’s already used to carpet munching so she’d probably like it.

  4. RapIsDeadly says:

    This is getting very tiring. Nobody gives one shit about her anymore. The judges need to get some balls (or a vagina), and put her in jail this time.

  5. thegameulost says:

    They should just put her in prison. Not rich people prison, REAL prison. See how long she can endure being locked up in a cell with the meanest, ugliest, butchest, most carpet-munching inmate in the entire prison.

  6. variousiroiro says:

    spoiled brat

  7. ToniSkit says:

    wow you peoples are cruel

  8. MzChelxoxo says:

    @Frohstar she looks so close to death.

  9. MzChelxoxo says:

    if she wasn’t a hollywood celebrity[yes she is still VERY famous] then she would be locked up in jail.

  10. audadvnc says:

    Lindsay who? Wasn’t that some kid star back in the 90’s?

  11. shaurz says:

    Never heard of her.

  12. ItsTheFizz says:

    Lock her up already! I’m sick of addicts getting off easy for being “famous”

  13. novak4life says:

    just fuckin put her in jail! end of story

  14. HOLYCC says:

    bitch slap required for one whole year

  15. Frohstar says:

    She isn’t dead yet?

  16. Flameshadow1010 says:

    wow, people still give a shit about lohan?

  17. Gav229 says:

    Anyone notice Mark Zuckerberg in the club?

  18. leberpr says:

    lol, people still care about what Lindsay Lohan does?