25 thoughts on “A Prairie Home Companion – Frankie & Johnny

  1. 1mojoone

    What a shame that she has made so many mistakes in her young life and hope she gets it right. Talented little girl who is now a woman and has no idea what to do….

  2. rafalweb

    She’s very talented. Hope she brings all of that to the world, she has a lot more to offer than what she’s shown so far. On the other hand, people should give stuff like this more of a chance. Her behavior keeps people from seeing her better performances.

  3. Countrygalfeva

    Shut up ya shmuk! i’m just defending decent people, people i actually no and like. i have every right 2 tell u 2 back off weirdo. got a peom 4 ya: if ya live in a glass house don’t throw stones, don’t shatter her image till ya look at ur own, look at ur reflection in ur house of glass, don’t open her closet if ur owns full of trash!

  4. Countrygalfeva

    People CHANGE. look im not even a bloody fan and im sticking up 4 her doesnt that tell u that ur being a little unfair? yes people make very stupid mistakes and people like u don’t always forgive and forget but if the lady down the road did exactly the same thing would u be making such a big fuss about it? fame is a hard thing it puts alot of pressure on people and sometimes genuinly nice people cant take it and they snap i’m sure uve made mistakes that u dont want others talking about.

  5. elrevoltoso

    we all have talents!
    and yes we all have problems but to be so careless as to drive drunk that is just criminal
    the other actresses you mention hurt themselves while this little whore put peoples lives at risk( now you think about that)

  6. Countrygalfeva

    Hey, now u just wait 1 minute! She is a really nice person! and even the best of people make mistakes! i mean come on! Dolly Parton thought of suicide and we don’t hold that against her! Meryl streep turned to food when it was getting 2 much for her, but we don’t hold that against her either! people learn from their mistakes and they change, whether u like her or not, it doesn’t make it right for u 2 call her names! she’s probably got alot more talent than u anyway! leave her alone!

  7. elrevoltoso

    well anybody that has no respect for human life ( and drive under the influence ) is not someone who should get paid to make (so call movies)
    and if you are 5 find somebody better than her
    as a role model!!

  8. a6n1a9

    of course… I just can’t see the reason why you said that you hated her… probably you don’t even know her to say that… but that’s ok… it’s up to you. end of the story.

  9. elrevoltoso

    Hey I can say what ever i like !! if you like her than that is you business.(I don`t see why any one would like a cocaine snorting, Drunk driver with no talent ) so call singer. Hey but you like her that is you i don`t like her so that is that…..
    It`s all about expression

  10. a6n1a9

    yeah I’m actually 5 years old… and you were the one who came here and told that you hated lindsay and this is a video of her… normally people watch videos that they like…. and not to be rude…

  11. elrevoltoso

    well you stared this!!
    how old are you anyway i see the page that you have
    and most of what is there i don`t know it so you
    must be in your teens

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