www.rockonaltitude.com – Hilarious interview with A Cursive Memory. Lindsey Lohan gets rocked in this interview. They also enjoy HARD MAN NIPPLES.
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the end is hilarious!
i doubt it haha
i’m not sure if the carpet matches the rug all the time 😀 hahaha, colin cracks me up :]]]
OMG! U can actually hear how Colin chews his bubblegome. It’s hilarious,dude xD
who the hell is A cursive memory..whatevs
haha omg i love those guys
LMAO at markkkk
Colin was wearing that shirt on the March 29th concert. 😀
I hugged Shaun that day. :]
i also think colins nice enough of a guy not to stay that stuff about any girl he did
i no shes a lezbo now but she never used to be…and ur rite the closest they ever got to her was when she was being herassed by the paparazzi and they were trying to get her in their music video….
im prettysure he’s just JOKEING! seriosly do u think he would be saying that if he realy did? if he realy did do it with her and said that he would be a totle dick but sense he’s kidding cuz lindsy’s a lesbean (checked the papers latly?) i realy dont think he did
iv met them 2ce there soo down to earth and cool! though colin sometimes seems like he’s gay but idk..he’s awsume anyway!
they are!lol i feel bad cuz i met colin twice yesterday, but before i saw your comment i forgot that i met mark! lol prolly cuz i only tlkd 2 him 4 like 30 seconds, but yea they r rlly nice
isn’t he?!?! lol i just met him a couple times yesterday so im still a little starstruck 😀
did colin seriously have sex with lindsay? someone pleaseee comment me on my page if u no the truth cuz i cant tell if hes kidding or not
haha thats great!!
i loveeeee a cursive memory!!! lol i wanna meet them!!
eeeeeeeeeek i heart blink182 and a cursive memory 🙂
it was july 6th.
oh dam
really?! which day?
they’re freakin awesome!
i met them at the taste of chicago!
im so glad i got to meet them at warped =]]
colin is the nicest guy ever
i met them at warped and colin and mark are so sweet. mark liked my hat!
oh my goodness,
they are hilarious.