A beautiful life (La Bella Vita) – Lindsay Lohan

That’s a tribute to Lindsay Lohan! I used to like her very much, but she did so many wrong things lately… I made this video because I was really hoping that she’d get better, and I still do, but right now, I don’t believe in it…

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25 Responses

  1. chrishayden82 says:

    cry more for drug addicts that make bad decsions daily, she dosen’t want to change it’s obvious so why give a damn

  2. hschannover says:

    an pinnydog:
    okey ich weis nicht was in ihr vorgeht aber ich weis das z.B. ihre eltern sie nicht wirklich unterstützt haben und das die sich lieber auf ihr kariere kömmern als um linds!!!!!
    und ich glaubeauch das keiner verdient hat in so eine lage zu kommen und das dann andere sagen sie hat diesen Platz verdient!!!!!!!
    das ist nicht fair!!!!!

  3. PrinnyDog says:


  4. deathallows says:

    totally agree!! she has lost her way..
    but in the other hand, i feel bad for her not knowin how precious she is or should i say valuable ….

  5. fooledbyfraud says:

    vous savez quoi? vous êtes drôle et cette vidéo est ridicule. Vous êtes stupide si vous pensez que vous savez ce qui se passe vraiment avec sa vie. vous faire le son si tragique, comme vous avez été près ou de quelque chose. vous êtes dégueulasse morceau de conseils-get a life! et d’arrêter son harcèlement déjà! vous ne connaissez pas et elle ne vous connais pas!

  6. PrinnyDog says:

    Everyone deserves a second chance. Not everyone will get it though. What gives her the right to change.. She had everything.. She slowly gave up. I Know countless people who have provided for their family and only thought of them, and something horrible happened to them or their family… Why the hell does a singer deserve a second chance if her downfall was of her own doing.. She deserves the position shes in

  7. tunisiaovertherainbo says:

    Well put…hopefully she will find out before it is too late…

  8. hschannover says:

    I love her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! lindsays smile are so beautiful!!
    she is the most prettyest!!!!!!!:-**
    i´ve give her a second chance and would that she become happy!!!!

  9. Kathushka93 says:

    so sad.. i love her and i almost cried when i’ve seen it 🙁

  10. Zigsak says:

    Omg, love that video !
    I hope she will get better, shes relly a butiful person <3

  11. SemmiexP says:

    what’s a it girl?-.-‘
    i’m sorry not that good in all those words;$.

  12. TopazBiscuit says:

    Lindsay Lohan will eventually find her way back on track again. Life is a journey, and yes, sure we all get drunk , do drugs to see what they’re like, and go party all night, we all do that kind of stuff when were young, but eventually as we get older, we snap out of it and realize that’s not what life is all about. We all make mistakes and in the end we see who we really are. Lindsay has a second chance and I hope she’ll use it.

  13. CinderellaXXGirlXX says:

    Love Lindsay! 🙂 She rocks. STILL.

  14. pinkypencil says:

    i love this video!

  15. losthighway89 says:

    this song relates to her life right now
    since she has cash flow problem
    out of work! cant repay her mortgage
    May God show her the way
    how ironic from TOP to a struggling actress 🙁

  16. JCOwyoung says:

    what the hell is faked? are you cracked out of just dumb. go to hell

  17. atelinda says:

    woww this songg is .. wow ..

  18. elielizaeli says:

    The song is absolutely great….
    The video is nice! I agree that old Lindsay was better…

  19. Scottmoca2 says:

    I have always loved Lindsay Lohan.. and I think this song speaks to me I really love it

  20. h2xtus says:

    Debió haber sacado un video para ésta canción.
    I love this song.

  21. tavbriscoe says:

    She’s UNPERFECT. just leave her Alone.
    She has her ^’s and Downz. Yes some people have to warn her at times. But let her learn from her Own Mistakes!!.

  22. EllaG3 says:

    thank you for the answer:) no, i have nothing with the gender and everything it was only for curiosity as i’m italian and i thought maybe it was wrong my traslation..thank you for cleared my ideas(: byess

  23. theresidentofthedark says:

    so cool !!!! i love the messege !!!!

  24. olymania says:

    Great job on the video. She had SUCH a good career ahead of her…
    I hope she turns around. I hope she turns around soon. Very soon.
    I can’t answer your question on God’s gender, but who really cares anyway?

  25. NewYorkLilli says:

    Thank you so much! <3
    Well, maybe she’s a feminist. And I also think that you can’t see god as a male or a female. I suppose e’re just used to say “he” .

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