25 thoughts on “40 Things A Girl Would Love Their Guy To Do

  1. bigbookofnothing

    i miss her so much now.i dont know where she is and why she doesn’t answer anything, but i know for sure that she still loves me. i wanna do all these things for her.

  2. cannotbelah123

    Yea i think i should
    But they say let her take photos of me as memories.
    Anyway i moving on one step>>>to telling her i love her.I bought her something ^^

  3. cannotbelah123

    I don’t know if this counts?
    I was seating on this playground animal ,
    I looked like a retarded moving on the small animal.n she tooked a video of me.
    she also took a picture of my ‘ez link’ card with my photo.should i let her keep it? or force her to delete it?

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