2009-02-24 Lindsay and Samantha

2009 02 LINDSAY LOHAN and SAMANTHA RONSON – The twosome enjoyed a great dinner at the Kosher restaurant. A couple paparazzi fell down as Lindsay headed to the car. Once inside, she sat there for quite a while and waited for her lover, Samantha to join her. She laughed, she text messaged and eventually she started honking so Sam would hurry up! Lindsay looked very good and very happy.

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18 Responses

  1. canney23 says:

    LMAO the paparazzi is so funny in this video lol

  2. soveryfragile says:


  3. theDjmiTCh says:

    lindsay estaba muy sonriente

  4. LittleBastard7 says:

    Stupid paparazzi poor Lindsay

  5. CeliaNed says:

    ohh !! YES
    so Stupid !!!!!

  6. LittleBastard7 says:

    ii know

  7. xxnikkixxno17xx says:

    wats with the sound?

  8. fascinatingg says:

    Stupid paparazzi !!!!!

  9. rockel1986 says:

    life under a microscope, geeezzz.

  10. danielaapeee says:

    Fuck you stupid!

  11. xXxRav3rRawrBabyxXx says:

    They’re both hot.

  12. bills035 says:

    I would pay soooooo much money for an hour with any one of these paparazzi. IT would be hard to take pictures with your arms in traction. …… I know Im guilty I watched the video too, but damn give someone a break

  13. Georg5555 says:

    im confused is ronson a boy or a girl ?

  14. starsfound says:


  15. TennesseeNurselady says:

    samatha ronson is a dog and she cant sing… linds needs to find her a real woman.. not a girl trying to look like a 15 year old boy

  16. Smellycat91 says:

    lol…”how’d she start that?” “wit d key” dar soooo thick!!

  17. hustulah says:

    i wanna be chased by paparazzis. @-) paparazzis are assholes but make life interesting. lol. dont get me wrong guys 😛

  18. LadYDadY26 says:

    saMANtha is a cunt what is she doning with lindsay,she brings lindsay to cry and why she doing that,she is so disgusting with her ugly greasy hat bäähhhhhhh
    lindsay should leave saMANtha and be with someone else happy,because with saMANtha she will never be seriously happy,because sam doesnt love her seriously.
    lindsay deserved a better person with whom she is happy

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