2008 Olympics Training and Falls

This montage used to be to the song ‘Over’ by Lindsay lohan but I got an ‘copyright claim’ so I had to change..grrr.. Anyway this is just showing everything the gymnasts went through to get to the olympics but then they make a mistake and their dreams are over. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! I DO NOT OWN OR CLAIM TO OWN ANY OF THIS FOOTAGE OR THIS SONG!! … megzer1992 yt:quality=high gymnastics beijing 2008 olympics disappointments falls mistakes womens artistic …

25 thoughts on “2008 Olympics Training and Falls

  1. EvaOLeary

    once again what can i say?
    ur a beaut 😉
    oh and the vid is good aswel
    what a coincedence i think i may have this song on my ipod?!

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