12 thoughts on “2008-08-18 Ellen and Portia

  1. natosthan

    WOW some people can’t take a hit their annoying I mefan sure the first time was like ok cool he got us but after its like PISS OFF FUCKER everyone seems to get that except the dumb ass camera man

  2. LukePetersen

    Yeah I agree. I mean.. at the beginning I guess they both thought it was funny and okay, but you can see that they’re not too happy that this dude is still there after lunch. Anoying! Poor.

  3. Androgyboris

    i’m sure famous people just love having no time away from cameras unless they’re locked up inside their houses… fucking nosey pricks with cameras attached to their hands..

  4. gabster3188

    this is obnoxious. why don’t you people leave them alone? how would you like it if some bozo with a camera followed you every where you went on your DAYS OFF. if you want to watch the stars, then watch them on their shows/movies/guest appearance, etc. you’re lucky ellen and portia are kind to you people. Oh btw, I stopped this video after the first five seconds of your annoying questions.

  5. RunescapeVideo07

    I love them. Ellen takes things so well. Even though there getting in her and Portia’s face, Ellen is still nice and watching out for people. I just don’t like them always invading there private lifes.

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