Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Tucked into the middle of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen is a charming sequence in which two girls from New Jersey (Linsay Lohan and Alison Pill) try to go to a rock concert in New York and have their illusions broken, then restored, and then broken, just a bit, again. Lola (Lohan) yearns for glory by playing the lead in the high school play and getting to meet the lead singer of a band called Sidarthur. Despite the spiteful efforts of a popular girl, Lola gets ever (more…)

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10 Responses

  1. Kevine says:

    1.0 out of 5 stars
    Confessions? Try Lies.
    Mary Cep’s (Lindsay Lohan) life has come to an end. Her mother had decided to move the family from New York City, the center of everything, to a New Jersey suburb.

  2. Mutia says:

    1.0 out of 5 stars
    It’s like `Mean Girls’, only worse…
    …much worse.
    To say that `Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen’ mirrors it’s subsequently superior proceeding film `Mean Girls’ would be a simple yet obvious…

  3. Xaviere says:

    1.0 out of 5 stars
    It is dramatic…
    I went in with an open mind and sat through, hoping it would get better, but this is the ONLY movie I have ever seen where I have wanted to walk out of the theater.

  4. Saber says:

    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Good Movie
    Lindsay Lohan made a number of cute movies as a kid and teen (what happened?). This is one of those. I had never even heard of this movie.

  5. Zaide says:

    1.0 out of 5 stars
    typical Lindsay Lohan flop
    the only reason i bought this movie was because the cover is cute. i TRIED to watch it with an open mind and TRIED to like it.

  6. Ithaca says:

    3.0 out of 5 stars
    Somewhat Inappropriate for Younger Audiences
    The movie was a good flick, but I’d not reccomend it for younger audiences. This movie is a bit more inappropriate than what most Disney films are.

  7. 1.0 out of 5 stars
    What a waste…
    I just caught this film on TV…Interestingly enough it is airing as Lindsey’s current film tanks at the box office and she faces building legal trouble after arrest.

  8. Yazid says:

    5.0 out of 5 stars
    I actually thought this movie was really good
    This family comedy is about a 17-year-old girl named Lola Step who dreams of becoming an actress and a singer. She lives in New York City, the center of the universe.

  9. Vlad says:

    4.0 out of 5 stars
    So what’s wrong with a little shallow nonsense?
    If you’re looking for the meaning of life, don’t look here. But if you like to be entertained by talented young actors playing, and having fun while doing it, their parts …

  10. Anonymous says:

    2.0 out of 5 stars
    Unless you’e a teenager and I am not, this movie is really little more than a vehicle for then-hot Lindsay Lohan to prove she could sing and capitalize on her girl next door…

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