Lindsay Lohan Blacks Out!

Lindsay’s in Cannes posting selfies with a black guy! Remember what happened the last time she hung out with a black guy? We do …

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25 Responses

  1. RONDOUGIE says:

    It’s not racist it’s just why is hanging out with a black guy a story or
    even a YouTube post, smh, corny.?

  2. Waldo says:


  3. Jennifer JoJo says:

    racist much, im pretty sure that u wudnt make a video called linsay lohan
    whites out?? who cares, stop puttung nlacks OUT THERE as INDIVIDUALS of the
    world.. we are all the same so stop being racist i mean its just so rude to
    make news of celebrities hanging out with black people, get a real job, get
    a life, get some common sense. Fools. Disrespectful to so many people.?

  4. MRSUPERBOY223 says:

    Remember who owns TMZ and his background…..?

  5. Blushing Heart says:

    tmz just threw shade….shaaaady tmz lol?

  6. FxckCensors says:

    I’ll fight any black in this comment section to a 1v1 fist fight (no
    gloves). I will personally pay for your air fare if you accept (only within
    the US) to come to me.?

  7. Ninjaz says:

    How is this racist. You’re all fucking retards. I bet not even a single one
    of you has common sense.?

  8. Sam Woolaver says:

    Maybeeeeeee you guys should start making RELEVANT news. Idiots. ?

  9. Tafadzwa N says:

    Jeez you Americans…why does everything have to do with race? Here in
    England, no-one would give a shit about that?

  10. WWEFanPhilly21 says:

    Why is this news? She’s with a black dude. Who the fuck cares?????

  11. Alpha Mukeba says:

    Pure racism. …what wrong with the black dude??


    Make the whole story about race to get views…?

  13. sharon b says:

    somebody call Oprah….Linds being bad….?

  14. vagas99 says:

    Why are they trying to make her look like a racist tho.. tmz yall look
    racist for making this video, not Lindsay for only having one picture with
    a black person. Smh?

  15. Sierra Smith says:

    Oooooh! Hes black! OH MY GOD!….who cares ?

  16. kweenmojo says:

    why do you guys care? she can hang out with whatever color she wants. even
    orange oompaloompas. racism smh?

  17. JayyTayy says:

    TMZ are such trolls lol. I wish I made a living on trolling people.?

  18. KIDINK says:

    Racist title man! What the hell is “Blacks out”? Good ol’ Merikkka still
    stuck on color I see. So what if Lindsay hang out or dates a black dude.
    Why is this news? ?

  19. Rip Mj says:

    BTW lindsay’s boy friend is brown – vikram chatwal.TMZ forgot that i guess?

  20. datstud killacam says:

    Y does Lindsay look like she just got a train run on her??

  21. landlord landlord says:

    So….. What?

  22. GamerTimeUSA says:

    She looks like crap?

  23. Kayak1088 says:

    She should be in jail. Bet she steals the towels and everything else not
    nailed down in her hotel room.?

  24. The Realist says:

    This isn’t even worth reporting on, oh well tmz gotta make that ad revenue
    somehow right?

  25. simplyred says:

    I clicked on the video thinking she was literally blacking out. She looks