Lindsay Lohan Catches Up with Ellen

It’s been a while since they’ve sat down together on Ellen’s show. Lindsay opened up to her about everything that’s been going on in her life.

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25 Responses

  1. SirKevinMartin says:

    I wanna agree with everyone saying she looks amazing cos it’d be awesome if
    she looked good. But no, I’m sorry. She looks terrible. Like, “she just got
    up” or however you’d look like similar to that. But you know, I wish her
    the best. I wish she’d really change back to the normal woman we used to
    love and adore.?

  2. debbiesedem says:

    Shazzam but for clothing? Genius :D?

  3. MegaDragonslayer1997 says:

    Don’t do drugs kids. ?

  4. KyleFinneyOfficial says:

    You guys know she has asthma right? Voice is always been deep and raspy…
    She smokes cigarettes that made it kinda worse… DRUGS DONT EFFECT THE

  5. Matt Chase says:

    She looked and sounded way more pretty in 2003ish?

  6. Mia Babic says:

    She sounds like joeys agent from friends, estelle ?

  7. AlexPizzaMan13 says:

    I’ll probably get hate for this but she looks horrible and sounds horrible.
    Ellen is a lot older than her but even she looks better than Lindsay.?

  8. ailish086 says:

    Wow..she looks shocking.. hope shes on the road to recovery.?

  9. MEGAyum9 says:

    Ellen looks younger than her?

  10. Yotubeunoseznoenano says:

    Her arms looks so white ?

  11. Lauren Olsen says:

    What’s wrong with her voice??

  12. WHFan1990 says:

    She’s kind of starting to look like herself from the Freaky Friday era…?

  13. Phoebe Emily says:

    OMG Linsday please be the young hot girl you were before I miss that?

  14. Lisandra Pereira says:

    Is her voice always this low and raspy? It sounds like me when im sick D:
    Not judging, just wondering!
    Her hair looks beautiful <3?

  15. awesomebuns says:


  16. wer44able says:

    can you guys please stop arguing about whether she looks amazing or awful?
    A women’s worth is so much more then her looks and all of you just sound
    f-ing offensive -.-?

  17. MsFancypants9 says:

    Stop giving her screen time.. she is not fully sober, she needs to go away
    without cameras pointed at her. Oprah is going to realize her mistake soon,
    calling her out on national TV like she did isn’t going to do NOTHING. “I
    Believe in you” and lindsay going “okay”.. ugh?

  18. beginnersbeautyblog says:

    Her voice is so deep now but I can still see the disney diva in her :)?

  19. Dorothy Gale says:

    She is so careful about what she says in this clip, not that I can blame
    her, all things considered. But every once in a while we get a glimpse of
    the girl who still has a personality, who isn’t broken, and I just hope she
    continues getting better. ?

  20. zaboutata says:

    She really fucked up her face with the botox and the drugs, she used to be
    my girl crush. 🙁 ?

  21. silverbracelet6 says:

    Why does she sound like that? Smoking, drinking??

  22. babysnooks says:

    We all make mistakes in life…we all mess up. It’s unfortunate that her
    mistakes were big and so public, but no one is perfect. Quit judging her.
    She is trying to move on with her life and we should be supporting her.?

  23. Afsana Tabassum says:

    best wishes for her?

  24. HappyDepressedAgnostic123 says:

    People should at least be happy for her trying to get her life together yet
    half of these comments are so awful. Its no wonder ppl turn to drugs and
    alcohol because you certainly can’t depend on other human beings.?

  25. Dale B says:

    im pretty sure her balls have recently dropped ?