Oprah to Lindsay Lohan: “You Need to Cut the Bull****” – Lindsay – Oprah Winfrey Network

Watch an all-new episode of Lindsay on Sunday at 10/9c. Subscribe to OWN: http://bit.ly/18Lz0rV After hearing that Lindsay hasn’t been cooperating with the p…

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18 Responses

  1. Marie Moore says:

    Oprah going to beat the devil out of you, if you don’t change Lindsay, she
    got the holy spirit on that right hand, guiding her ?

  2. Nichole Louise says:

    Oprah just tells her flat out that she doesn’t have ‘head intelligence’?

  3. 50hellkat2 says:

    Lindsay gonna do things depending on what stage of change she is at.?

  4. FAYMprod says:

    OWNED! (this was boring and we’re all stupider for having watched it)?

  5. jeminijemini1 says:

    Tell it like it is Ms O!?

  6. Lommy says:

    What makes Oprah think that she’s a psychologist? This should be conducted
    by a professional ?

  7. Rich Leang says:

    I know people comment that this documentary is like acting but these
    cameras roll non stop and there’s no cuts so no matter what I feel like
    Lindsay is redeeming herself. Not completely but enough to allow people to
    give her a second chance. Cause she’s hasn’t really gotten that?

  8. Israël Âme says:

    Love it!!!! Should have been her parents 8 years ago, but hell, we’ll take
    Oprah today!?

  9. dadevi says:

    Lol. Oprah is laying down the law on her ass! Good. Usually my generation
    only understands tough love.?

  10. Myrna Rodriguez says:

    I feel empowered by Oprah too lol I needed to hear that ?

  11. emaresea says:

    Lindsay looks so worn out. smdh…?

  12. željka strbat says:

    any attention will do 🙂 people do crazy stuff to get an attention. What is
    there about us that wants attention??

  13. Bellamora72001 says:

    ,She needed that moment!?

  14. Essence Rep says:

    This is good O?

  15. fabrice mccarthy says:

    Love it ?

  16. Missyplaymate3 says:

    Thank you?

  17. James Fabiano says:

    All it took was to hear Oprah cursing, who knew??

  18. Nichole Louise says:

    Oprah just tells her flat out that she doesn’t have ‘head intelligence’?