Forever An Ocean from Liz & Dick Starring Lindsay Lohan

Liz Taylor (Lindsay Lohan) visits Dick’s (Richard Burton, played by Grant Bowler) grave, in this scene from the Lifetime movie Liz & Dick. Check out photos, …

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8 Responses

  1. Sevyn1290 says:

    She looks like an effing joke.

  2. blueeyedconch says:

    Don’t get your hopes up. It’s bad. Really bad.

  3. Lisa Hunt says:

    I think it was a very heartfelt movie! It showed passion, intrigue, depth
    and real human characteristics in its most honest form! Life is not all
    perfect, this shows the honesty of life! I think it is a masterpiece and
    life time generally only takes good movies! I can’t wait till this comes
    out so it can go in our video library!

  4. gazebo46 says:

    Oh, that’s so sad! Can’t wait to see this movie!

  5. platinumblondebiatch says:

    well now we know who’s gonna play the young Alexis in the dynasty prequel.

  6. tristanrimbaud says:

    The critics were so harsh on this TV movie. Without the glare of
    negativity, Liz and Dick was a great biopic.

  7. tarawrr20 says:

    She looks like Joan Collins in this scene, not Elizabeth

  8. wbslnger2004 says:

    Wow, the glue on the SL eyelash was bad, it looked like it was about to
    fall off.