Lindsay Lohan to Oprah : “I Feel Whole Again”

Lindsay Lohan sat down with Oprah in New York City just four days after finishing a 90-day, court-ordered rehabilitation program. Now, Lindsay says she’s rea…

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22 Responses

  1. grynia8677 says:

    Lindsay can handle it because it is a strong?

  2. gospur12 says:

    I dont believe her.?

  3. Bonnie Clyde says:

    She looks so pretty, this is the Lindsey that we want to? see come back.

  4. iPaulTV says:

    she’s looking a lot better now, good? for her <3

  5. Valerie Lee says:

    it makes me really glad that she wants to change for? the better… i used to really admire her before she got addicted to drugs and all. Hope to see her on tv shows etc 🙂

  6. sagenhaftlog says:


  7. TheSueM3 says:

    C’mon Lilo looks chuby and fake!?

  8. Megan Hogan says:

    Looks fake…it she want to change she should drop off the map for a wile…get away from the? temptation..

  9. Sof Sol says:

    her new lips make her? look similar to a duck

  10. YIN01992 says:

    she looks younger ~? but wth that lips?!

  11. Jasmin Aletovic says:

    Charlie Sheen is a? God for all of them 😀

  12. jdazmail says:

    I believe that oprah is related to the water buffalo? family.?

  13. jdazmail says:

    I believe? that operah is related to the water buffalo family.

  14. bekkabob69 says:

    That’s your opinion. I believe that she might actually succeed, but being so negative is one reason people like her stay in messes like that. They have no confidence to succeed! I know first hand what its like to be an addict and the biggest help to recovering is support! So be skeptical but try not to be so mean about it and no I’m not saying this crap cuz she a “star” its cuz shes a human being who makes mistakes and everyone deserves a chance to be happy No matter how many times they fail!?

  15. almandoumani says:

    Oprah is? shit

  16. neimamin says:

    Is it true ??

  17. ScinLaeca358 says:

    Blah blah blah. What bullshit. I mean, Lohan on Oprah = scientific formula for Ultimate Bullshit. Trite, stupid, meaningless questions and even triter, stupider, meaninglesser answers. The girl’s a crackhead, she’s not that clever, she’s never had any actual human beings on whom to model herself – just her cracky parents and? other leeches – and she’s always called “talented,” I guess based on Herbie Reloaded, but I don’t see much evidence. She’s ONLY still famous because of drugs and TMZ.

  18. quillber says:

    she actually looks? a heck of a lot better

  19. webguzs says:

    thats because IRRichiee is a moron himself, to stupid to konw what? a moron is

  20. jezzabellissimo says:

    What kind of statement is this is? What? is the point to you saying this?

  21. iRRichiee says:

    oprah? is a fucking moron……….

  22. 20justdance11 says:

    She sounds better and she looks? better.