Lindsay Lohan BANNED!

Just one day after the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office decided that no charges would be filed against the actress with regards to an alleged jewelry theft, it seems Lohan is now NO longer welcome at the famous Chateau Marmont as she couldn’t pay the amount of 000 that she owes them. For more Hollywood news and gossip: Subscribe at: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

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25 Responses

  1. ZebraPerson123454 says:

    I like LL she is? pretty and she can do watever she wants. it is a free country after all

  2. UnlazyMan says:

    Do you think that LL will become homeless? I think it’s possible because she is destroying herself. She couldn’t destroy herself but she just can’t handle herself. She is addicted? to alcohol and maybe drugs. That says a lot about her.

  3. Bunnyhooch says:


  4. WHYNOTYOU236 says:

    she’s mad!!!!!! i don’t like her!?

  5. tull1971 says:

    Is this really a surprise to anybody? She pretty much does what she wants, and for the most part, walks away from it. The question I have is for the hotel. Why would you let somebody continually rack up a bill without calling them on it…? long before two months had passed? So now her punishment is she can’t come there anymore? Look who’s just walking away again. she should be taken to court… again.

  6. stellaGIBSON123 says:

    leave her? alone

  7. bethandixon91 says:

    she used? to be soo innocent

  8. Aluba raja says:

    ha…? unprofessional

  9. GESSIO26 says:

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  10. bobznobz says:

    Nice comeback pussy.?

  11. John Wilkos says:

    that was norm, he? wasn’t the postman, cliff was the postman

  12. richard toner says:

    what a complete z list waste of space?

  13. theodicer says:

    What a waste of time this video is.? Also, extremely un professional to use the words: “messed up lady.”

  14. slacka2 says:

    What A? Beautiful Lady.

  15. misstry says:

    aaaaand you just did the same thing that toxickremedy did…. only with people outside? the US

  16. whiteburst says:

    Ohh young people these days ;o)?

  17. CrystaltheWaterLily says:

    This isn’t really news. She’s been on a downhill spiral for a? while now. Shame, really.

  18. xBloodXGusherx says:

    Ah..the things money does? to people. If I was rich. No one would ever know.

  19. VelaToNorma7 says:

    You’re an? idiot. Thanks for proving that a majority of people outside the US are dumb.

  20. VelaToNorma7 says:


  21. 2235emi says:

    ok you are? to

  22. Thomas Harrell says:

    Any business that would give Lindsey Lohan $46,000.00 worth? of anything before she paid cash for deserves to loose the $46,000.00 and have their business license pulled for being to stupid to run a public business.

  23. psufball1 says:

    Anyone who enjoys following celebrities intimate details of their lives and/or works for those ridiculous magazine, or works on E! or? TMZ is pathetic and should just do society a favor and jump off the golden gate bridge.

  24. xHeidixHeidix says:

    Ummm not all Americans want a celebrity life……I definitely don’t. I don’t think it would truly be all that wonderful, and look? how many of them are either fucked up in the head or fucked up on drugs. I said how many of them, not All of them, i’m sure plenty of them handle it ok.

  25. tragedyRIP702 says:
