Rumors- Lindsay Lohan (Lyrics)

*DISCLAIMER* I do not own the song

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18 Responses

  1. Emma Bernstein says:

    Too late.?


    I like the video shes hot?

  3. iloveidolseason8 says:

    i’m not a big? lindsay fan but i kinda like this song.

  4. TheBubblyPink says:

    Power of makeup lol.?

  5. chelsie ross says:

    she doesn’t have frickles?

  6. FinAlexz says:

    I just hope she gets back on? track.. 🙂

  7. Amanda Fox says:

    Hmm, I don’t neccessarily love Lindsey but I love? this song… it has a catchy tune!

  8. cacrowley74 says:

    i lov lindsey and? her song

  9. TwiheartismGirl says:

    I don’t like Lindsay but I like? this song

  10. donut956 says:

    im actually glad? she made this song bcus it shows that shes just not alcholahlic and can do more with her life[iminent=VNG2I8YVffOB]
    I have just posted a cool BigEmo!

  11. bearnemo1 says:

    Sweet song!!!! thnx for the right? lyrics!!!!

  12. TheCaoflor100 says:

    She? is a great singer anda a good actress

  13. MrJackiewilliams says:

    Well, we let her? live and now look… she can’t stay out of jail for nothing. That’s it, Miley’s not getting freedom!

  14. dbdh23 says:

    i liked this song ever since i? was little

  15. ajstyleslover620 says:

    she should stick to singing but i? hear where she’s coming from

  16. HellYeahhhhhh says:

    I’ve never thought of Lindsay Lohan as a great singer. IMHO she is a better? actress.
    What’s your take on this?

  17. tonio1318 says:

    I love it! and Thank You? 🙂 <3

  18. DaBlondeTwins says:

    I love this? song! I also think you did a good job on the lyrics 🙂