Lohan Is Looking for Love in Mock Dating Video

Lindsay Lohan is on the prowl again. The much-gossiped-about starlet has made a mock dating service video posted on comedy Web site FunnyOrDie.com. Lohan recently said that she and DJ Samantha Ronson are taking a “brief break.” (April 14)

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24 Responses

  1. MakaylaElle says:

    So when did? you meet Miley?

  2. COOLJeans543 says:

    Lindsay I hope You see this-? I FUCKING LOVE YOU

  3. MaskedRider83 says:

    I agree with you on that ,i know she acts crazy and stuff but no one? can deny her acting talents and no one can defenately deny her beauty.

  4. SuperAiden007 says:

    i would date u? . but i dont wanna get beaten by the samantha ronsen chick

  5. woshy0 says:

    loved it! let’s hang out….?

  6. kristine5050 says:

    i fucking love her! regardless of? what people say haha.

  7. lahm1025 says:

    she is hot .?

  8. sangredulce69 says:

    oh my God Lindsay Lohan is very beauty and I would like to have a meeting with her
    Lindsay Lohan is my possible or impossible wife it depends on my fortune
    Lindsay? I love you and I did a tatoo with your name in my skin near to my heart you are always on my life I am from Buenos Aires Argentina

  9. leapoffaith20 says:

    Ah? Lindsey. Back when she was attractive.

  10. kuuperdolly says:


  11. Huy15 says:

    Lol I love her she is not taking herself to serious… She is? now changing… 🙂

  12. childofTHANATOS says:

    I hope you get AIDS and? die Lilo: you disgusting dyke cunt.

  13. BarbieBiitch420 says:

    love? this bitch

  14. ReeseDeRock says:

    What The Baptist Backdoor? Catholic!!? How Do You Do Me!!?

  15. Ronf465 says:

    Yes? indeed!

  16. BaddestJournalism says:

    Yeah understanding their public image… Which is obviously crafted by full time PR ppl? duhh

  17. xxMOMOxxCHANxx says:

    It’s called listening and understanding what someone is saying.?

  18. scientificcreative says:

    shoplifter bitch? suck my cock

  19. hallie5309 says:

    I am? going with lung cancer or O.D. odds?

  20. echrislee says:

    I love you Lindsay you were great in? Mean Girls!!!!

  21. pinkypimpalicous says:

    Hey thats pretty cool. A few more Marlboro Miles and she can get that awesome Marlboro tent to sleep in :)?

  22. 94yhy says:

    @barbiicabre (0:21 – 0:43):
    I would define my personality as, uh, creative, a bit of a night-owl… I’m a workaholic, a shopaholic, and according to the state of California, an alcoholic, as well as a threat to? all security guards, if they work in hotels. And to put all those rumors to rest, I am not broke — I actually have over $400 dollars in the bank and 20,000 Marlboro miles, which I’m very proud of.

    Hope that helps. =)

  23. 94yhy says:

    (0:00 – 0:20):
    Hi, my name is Lindsay, and I’m searching for love. I’m recently single, I think, and I’m looking for someone who I can spend the rest of my life with, or at least, the rest of my probation with.
    A little bit about me: I’m an actress, a singer, an entrepreneur, and I single-handedly kept 90% of all gossip websites in? business.

  24. BaddestJournalism says:

    Wow you know both? of them