CNN: Lindsay Lohan goes back to jail, no bail 9/24/2010

Actress Lindsay Lohan is ordered to be held in jail for 30 days without bail. CNN’s Kareen Wynter reports.

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24 Responses

  1. IIAdolescentII says:

    lol stupid? coke whore..

  2. Guenna1084 says:

    she wore at the vmas and performance wuz trill so everyone whos haten do yah job you only making her more? famous – Naked Lady Gaga. C000M –

  3. Ginnita says:


  4. TheGLOCK40cal says:

    goddamn mother fuckn ads i h8? fuckn youtube any more if i wanted to see mother fuckn goddamn commercials id watch regular t.v.

  5. mariowar902 says:

    you want this whole lidsney lohan over let her off probation dont deal with her simple as that complaining is pethectic espeacilay it aint you what do u care i can see if you talking about a murderer im? sure ur ass un sniffed coke once in ur life but lindsey if a criminal

  6. tardwhisperer says:

    @MsThunderroad–Lindsay, dead in a pine box. And all whores who adore her. Die, drug addicted, overopinionated, self? delusional bitches. And of course, Ted Bundy was a fucking hero. We need for more people to rid the world of bubble headed bleach blondes.

  7. sonbarably says:

    Israeli rag NY? Post?, suggests that Lindsay is addicted? to heroine.

    Like a yellow rag fake reporter, David K. Li’s “source” is:

    “a british tab”

    and that is how “the source” is printed.

    how NY Post readers are able to hold jobs is beyond me.

  8. MsThunderroad says:

    Lindsay for president.

    W won the white house with years of cocaine addiction and a few DWIs under his belt without a minute? behind bars.

    why not Lindsay?

  9. mariowar902 says:

    lets not get off topic my main concern is about being fair be fair to all do whats right thats what god wants? you to do and you shall do it

  10. fallieq says:

    yall are idios, stop fighting go look into the feds and disney , disney = mk ultra. this girl that yall talk? about is a victom of mind control. go study and talk shit after you read up.

  11. hiiamrick says:

    @mariowar902: Because the Judge didn’t get caught silly.? If his ass gets caught then I’m all for testing his ass too.

  12. hiiamrick says:

    @mariowar902: what the fuck are you? saying? JUST DONT’T GET CAUGHT. Don’t drive 60 in a 35 zone with a car full of weed while smoking a joint. then blame the man for fucking with you. Heck the man is going to fuck with us any way don’t give him an excuse. You just got to be smarter.

  13. hiiamrick says:

    @mariowar902: I just ran your numbers “85% of mental health pateints? are black” do you know just how stupid you sound. What percentage of America’s population in black (13%). The only thing that I see blacks in the 85% is million dollar athletes, ownership is occuring now.
    P.S. Your little drug addict white girl just made bond ($300,000), I really hope she doesn’t kill her dumb ass self.

  14. fallieq says:

    if this girl kills herself …… trust me it will be murder.


  15. fallieq says:

    to those that said this girl is going to end up killing herself.

    pls look into mk ultra and hollywood , disney is fuct up. tv=brainwash , media is so bad.

    if she ends up dead and looks? like a suicide , it is not it is murder…. disney = mk ultra

    poor disney kids….. for real , yall need to wake up !!

  16. fallieq says:

    to those that said this girl is going to end up killing herself. ?

    pls look into mk ultra and hollywood , disney is fuct up. tv=brainwash , media is so bad.

    if she ends up dead and looks like a suicide , it is not it is murder…. disney = mk ultra

    poor disney kids….. for real , yall need to wake up !!

  17. fallieq says:

    to those that said this girl is going to end up killing herself.

    pls look into mk ultra and hollywood , disney is fuct up. tv=brainwash , media is so bad.

    if she ends up dead and looks like a suicide , it is not it is murder…. disney = mk ultra

    poor disney kids….. for real? , yall need to wake up !!

  18. fallieq says:

    to those that said this girl is going to end up killing herself.

    pls look into mk ultra and hollywood , disney is fuct up. tv=brainwash , media is so bad.

    if she ends up dead and looks like a suicide , it is not it is murder…. disney = mk ultra

    poor disney kids….. for real , yall need to wake? up !!

  19. fallieq says:

    disney = mk ultra , poor disney? kids. they fuct those kids up for real. ppl should look into disney and sick ass mk ultra.

    this country is sick and wants to lock EVERYONE UP. Nazi America

  20. RonaldBarone says:

    can u give to this reporter a biscuit ?
    she looks like she needs food? lol

  21. DarkStarAZ says:

    Yesterday in an interview the father was blaming the judge who allowed her to go to NYC to attend some fashion event. The judge should have known the coke use would be high? at an event like that, so the judge is at fault not Lindsey…

  22. DarkStarAZ says:

    LOL shes? already out!

  23. DarkStarAZ says:

    LOL Im watching this sat am (9/25) and she was out of jail by midnight last night.
    She has had 2 DUIs, crashed her Mercedes, tried to run down a woman and I thnk ran over a guys foot. In short she is a menace to society and should have served those thirty? days.

  24. hiiamrick says:

    @mariowar902: Dude I don’t mean to be mean. But I didn’t understand a thing you just posted. Also I have never heard of mental health court. And I don’t believe you? are black. If you were black you would know about our so called justice system.