Lindsay Lohan In Car ACCIDENT

Controversial actress, Lindsay Lohan, was involved in a car accident, but is now fine and out of the hospital. No serious injuries were reported. SOURCE:

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6 Responses

  1. prowrestlingwannabe says:

    Haha, thank you, babe. I’m glad you liked it. I love you, meu? amor. <3

  2. LarissaUchelli2009 says:

    I am laughing my ass off here because of how you put Rebecca Black when you said friday. I? love you babe <3

  3. prowrestlingwannabe says:

    Haha, thanks! I’m glad you liked it.? 🙂

  4. DeathlyHardy says:

    This past Friday, LOL that was? amazing and imaginative 😀

  5. prowrestlingwannabe says:

    You’re exactly right.?

  6. ALLIE85777 says:

    don’t text? and drive