Lindsay Lohan Car Accident (Photos)

Lindsay Lohan crashed her car into the back of an 18-wheeler on Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica and ended up in the hospital. Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz and comedian Jimmy Dore break it down on The Young Turks. More photos here from TMZ: Check out TMZ on YouTube:

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25 Responses

  1. Melpheos1er says:

    WTF ? Isn’t the person at the back supposed to keep safe break distance ?
    Wheter you break suddently with or without any reason it seems fair that the person at the back not? keeping safe distance is at fault (at least that’s the case in France)

  2. 59catmando says:

    Not her fault? Any time you rear? end someone your at fault.

  3. richardshort2001 says:

    Lindsey Lohan: Car? Accident

  4. MyLittleBomb says:

    Tailgate much? What? a dumb whore.

  5. Shiggy327 says:

    I wish this dumb? bitch would just die already!

  6. StoneTNo5 says:

    its? not that serious. it just looks that way because porsche makes tin foil cars

  7. sunstarsmoon says:

    Watch the video of the truck driver on tmz. I totally believe him. Most 18 wheelers on the PCH remain in the right lane while cars whiz by. Plus witnesses told him that they saw her flying and weaving. Stop trying to blame an innocent man for your stupid shit? behavior.

  8. TheBobStudio says:

    Dear fellow Americans :

    1. Jewish neocons served under Bush? are now on Romney’s campaign.

    2. No Jewish neocons are on Ron? Paul’s campaign

    3. No Jew can manipulate Ron Paul into sending Americans to war & death for Israel

    4. By God, I speak the truth

  9. delboy134 says:

    dumb bitch?

  10. EBNiamh says:

    stupid girl!! she is….?

  11. d4rkn3z132 says:

    @Wolfau5 Lol it’s totaled you fucking tard there is no fixing it the front part of the? frame is smashed in god kids are so fucking dumb..

  12. irgendwann mal says:

    this channel? is the king of “it’s everyone else’s fault” and that kind of demographic…

  13. FrankCostanzasLawyr says:

    I didn’t. It? was part of the tyt playlist.

  14. Wolfau5 says:

    I’m not typically one to wish ill of stupid celebrities, but I’m glad.
    Bruises = she won’t be in movies or TV shows for a few months at least.
    That car looks like it will cost her A LOT to fix.
    Since I’m guessing its too much to hope this will cause a change in her behaviours, hopefully she can go back to being just? another washed up child actor.

  15. nalby92 says:

    gotta love how they got 3 people to talk about this like its? serious shit that we should give a fuck about

  16. bakismaki says:

    This chick is? like the worst driver ever…

  17. RECAngela says:

    And you’re an asshole who wishes death to a woman he never met because she’s in the? news and you’re in a shithole

  18. PimpinBassie2 says:

    Where does she get the money? from to buy a Porsche, if she doesn’t been in a decent film since Mean Girls?

  19. GhostRiderMusic says:

    yeah? because the f1 is full of nigger bitches

  20. dynastyfamily00 says:

    Gotta love this “it’s someone else’s fault” society.
    You can blame the parents for everything UNTIL THE CHILD LEAVES THE HOME.

    Every fucked up thing the do is? all on them, not mom, not dad.
    No matter how fucked her parents are, she has the space and means to live a healthy life, she chooses not to.

  21. MURDOC188 says:

    Wish she would? have

  22. 786sami786 says:

    Don’t judge Lohan’s dad. I don’t care what he’s done. Say the things you would say to his face on the air.?

  23. 786sami786 says:

    I? don’t care who’s fault it is, she could have died. She makes bad decisions but she still is a person. I hope she’s fine.

  24. Deniztengri says:

    White? what kind of racist moron are you??

  25. ihrtmomopus says:

    I want to know who she? was texting, and what her BACK was.