Santorum Denies Photographing Lindsay Lohan

Via TMZ/The Huffington Post: “Rick Santorum reportedly asked Lindsay Lohan to pose for a photo at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday — then denied it. Lohan was sitting with Greta Van Susteren when Santorum approached, according to TMZ. He reportedly asked Lohan to take a picture of him with Van Susteren, then snapped a photo of Lohan alone…”.* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Jayar Jackson break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more: Watch the original video here: Subscribe to The Young Turks: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest:

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24 Responses

  1. dojo999 says:

    Why does anyone care about? Lindsay Lohan?

  2. StopCollectivism says:

    Cenk is one of? Obama’s BrownShirts.

  3. argonaaut says:

    Hi Ana, I remember you mentioned awhile ago that you try and buy cage-free eggs…I just stumbled across this article which you? might find interesting:,0

  4. ubermisogynist says:

    Slow news day? The only reason? they are covering this is because they hate anyone who doesn’t agree with their views. If this was a democrat they wouldn’t be talking about this

  5. TheAmazingMrBruce says:

    Santorum less-than-three’s? Lohan

  6. matt0is0here says:

    Santorum? was not avoiding taking pictures with celebrities, it was the exact opposite. The celebrities were running away from Santorum because Santorum looks like a piranha.

  7. XICANOXOC says:


  8. Dasmaster1 says:

    You can so clearly see how their brains work.

    “Did you take a picture with Lindsay Lohan?”
    *inner monologue*? “.. What? Need to buy time because im confused.”
    “I took allot of pictures of allot of fokes.”
    “But why Lohan?”
    *Inner monologue* ” Is that bad? I dont understand… When in doubt DENY!”
    “No i did not.”

  9. Jeff Fisher says:

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  10. whatnowman42 says:

    dude they are just making fun of? him lols why do you have to make something out of nothing ?

  11. CetraTJ says:

    did you read my comment before you posted? I commented that the story makes the turks look bad because its an attempt to drum up contraversy where none exists. very “fox news” of them. your reply, then do not watch it implys that if? my opinion is negative I shouldnt watch the video.thats stupid. if you dont like my comments dont read them lol

  12. TheCommonMan101 says:

    Who? the hell gives a shit!

  13. JINN1984 says:

    useless news……?

  14. woodycoat says:

    The Young Turds …terrible ‘reporting’?

  15. DrakeIcn says:

    White trash? fetish

  16. DeadFishFactory says:

    Santorum thinks that admitting to it might hurt him politically somehow. He had to? deny that he was referring to black people when talking about welfare recipients, and he had to deny almost calling Obama a “government nigger”, so I think he’s just in the habit of denying anything that the media accuses him of, even if it’s harmless or mundane.

  17. UniversalPotentate says:

    This is an incredibly STUPID? video. I voted it down.

  18. na231975 says:

    except? TYT didn’t do it on purpose like fox does?

  19. freshmanchris7 says:

    So TYT when are you going? to make a video on Ron Paul vs Mitt Romney?? ITS A TWO MAN? RACE NOW GET ON THE NEWS!!!!!!

  20. AlienRelics says:

    This is wierd. Who cares if? he took a picture of Lindsay Lohan?

    But why is he being so evasive?

  21. Jehanzeb14 says:


  22. treehuggersofearth says:

    I left out “anal ” in my comment.?

  23. treehuggersofearth says:

    Santorum is frothy mixture.? Who cares if he wants to jack to the “actress”.

  24. Amulindao says:

    Minha? babva ya sangrando