Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan party at Beaumarchais

Lindsay Lohan and her mother Dina Lohan where spotted partying the night at Beaumarchais for Lindsay’s little brother, Michael Lohan, Jr. birthday party! Like always… Lindsay created chaos… well traffic chaos this time! Follow Hollywood.TV on Facebook @

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6 Responses

  1. SimsThatHate says:

    Are you kidding me? Those drivers need to calm down.? Treat the damn thing like another red light.

  2. nextmodelplease says:

    wow? why was she hidin? like just soooo cool!! I love her

  3. 100stacy says:

    wow i can handle with that, my life in shit and all the media around? me, poor girl

  4. madden1479 says:

    Her whole? family is messed up

  5. sildor3 says:

    u can’t even see her?

  6. LindsayLohanFans1 says:

    lindsay looks? so beautiful