Lindsay Lohan Could Face Felony Charges

Actress Lindsay Lohan may be charged with felony theft in what its owner says it the swiping of a one-of-a-kind, 00 necklace.

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25 Responses

  1. TeamAlphaTwo7 says:

    This rich bitch will never get real jail time…

  2. MrFakegods says:

    I believe both people in this case are snobby bitches and both need to be thrown to the sharks.

    The owner of the store is just trying to get something started and be on the spotlight.

    to hell with em

  3. Justin98117 says:

    @CoolJohnDog you don’t get it because ur retarded dur dur dur

  4. rosaelena456 says:

    I hope she makes a good hot movie in jail!!

  5. dadevi says:

    @0sAndOnes Pretty much anything 24k solid gold can be over a grand. Inflation is a bitch.

  6. Protozzz says:

    @jimrobmicah that’s does! 🙂

  7. jimrobmicah says:

    @Protozzz That doesn’t give her the right to violate the law MULTIPLE TIMES.

  8. Protozzz says:

    fuck y’all, she’s cool

  9. toreyaabron says:

    i hope she goes to prison because these stars now days act like they are above the Law if she goes to jail that would make me happy teach her ass a lesson

  10. HarrysSecret says:

    Hardly a criminal mastermind if she’s dumb enough to steal a one of a kind item and then wear it.

    WTF happened to her top lip?

  11. carnytwinmumbai says:

    Well its about time. If she was anyone else she’d be in jail by now.

  12. BuddenOne says:

    @0sAndOnes Yeah nigger can you afford it ? looks doubtful

  13. neilzep says:


  14. 0sAndOnes says:

    That piece of shit necklace was worth 2500?

  15. jwcees says:

    Again….Lindsay pull your head out of your ass. Your hot, talented, etc. Theres a lot of haters here.

  16. alienhddna says:

    put her ass in prison she nver going to lern

  17. IkilledColMustard says:

    Why is this even an issue? Theft is theft. Period. Throw the dumb broad in the can with the rest of the scum and be done with it. Celebrity (?) status and name recognition don’t cut no ice in my book.

    if she is found guilty of the charges then she needs to do the same time as anyone else would do for the same crime.enough of poor misunderstood lindsey.

  18. vigo894 says:

    They asked Paris Hilton how she felt about lindsay going to jail. And her response was, “That’s hot”.

  19. danielcooper1000 says:

    Judge To Judge On Illegal Payments To Judges

  20. sweetlilchickie1985 says:

    @narukofan2 There is no straightening this chick out. If she goes to jail she’ll whine and get out in a week. I just hope the train wreck keeps going. who cares about Lindsey Lohan, a rich cunt who was given an opportunity and privileged life the rest of us only dream of and she fucks it up this bad; maybe she just isn’t a good person, anyone ever thought about that?

  21. haoqh says:


  22. PrincetonGrL8181 says:

    Lindsey Lohan might have another criminal record.

  23. danielcooper1000 says:

    The taking of money by a judge who does not “throw the case” is still corrupt. Justice Posner of the 7th Circut stated in his remarks relating to Sir Francis Bacon, the judge does not fulfill the “bargain” after he has taken the money is equally as corrupt as the judge who takes the money and fulfills the “bagain”

  24. CoolJohnDog says:

    @Justin98117 Why would she be imprisoned because of a mental disability? Oh wait, was that supposed to be a joke? Sorry, I don’t get it.

  25. Justin98117 says:

    she’s going to prison because she’s retarded