Lindsay Lohan David Letterman Part 2

Lindsay Lohan David Letterman Part 2

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25 Responses

  1. MikeyJackk says:


  2. halflifeproductionz says:

    doesn’t anyone see dave hittin’ on her!!
    fucking hilarious.

  3. 84chrisdave says:

    she looks,and sounds like rose mcgowan hear

  4. rockingirl411 says:

    i will always love lindsay <333

  5. KpopAng says:

    I wish shes okay <3

  6. MrLunitunz says:

    @MrStonecold69 Her life’s not over. Never say never. When she dies, you can say never.
    Don’t take this as a sign that I like her or anything, I don’t. But other actors have had worse happen to them and came out okay.

  7. chrisylovesyou says:

    she kind of reminds me of nicole kidman here

  8. SuperRenata23 says:

    @wannaknowit amen!

  9. SuperRenata23 says:

    @MrStonecold69 she is loser and drug addict!

  10. biogamer100 says:

    I’d tap that

  11. rupdaddy says:

    she seems like a girl i could just hang out with and tell dirty jokes

  12. MrStonecold69 says:

    she has appeared in one half decent movie
    mean girls
    and that was SEVEN YEARS AGO
    she will never be taken seriously as an actress
    junkie bitch

  13. HotnFun77 says:

    wow she looks like sammy from jersey shore
    a lot in the first minutes

  14. Dsosa231 says:

    people stp being so judgemental how do you know that something in her life didnt make her lesbian but either way is her life and just because she perferres women dont mean she is not beautifull.

  15. wannaknowit says:

    she used to be so beautiful….so full of freckles…amazing red hair……..stunning…but now…so disappointing…….druggie..

  16. xander7ful says:

    I just wish she’d stop changing her hair color and decide on one.

  17. SuperiorSwagon1 says:

    I used to be in love with her…now she’s a nasty lesbo…

  18. TheAngstyWriter says:

    ‘racer” became racy

  19. Karil9468 says:

    She may be kinda crazy w/ her clothes but i love her songs just dance, poker face, love game, paprazzi 🙂 – Naked Lady Gaga. C000M –

  20. GHOSTIPOD90 says:

    she looks so cuteeeeeeeee what happened lindsay>

  21. larraine55 says:

    she looks awfull!!!!!

  22. SmileyV07 says:

    she should of never went blonde since 2005 she was going bad already and she’s always craved attention

  23. i2l3e4a5n6a says:

    she does not look good with blonde hair

  24. ElGrantRikun1 says:

    I personally think that Shes ‘s cute , but her voice sound like a damn wina (trailer trash) .

  25. kuunami says:

    I wanna fully load her if you know what I mean!!