The Parent Trap (1998) Clip -Lindsay Lohan

This is where Annie(Lohan) meets her father’s new girlfriend – Meredith (Elaine Hendrix) for the first time..

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25 Responses

  1. dhammerman06 says:

    I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!

  2. MarianneMalfoy says:

    I want Elaine Hendrix’s hat, so beautiful.

  3. rolf778 says:

    am Dennis Quaid @ Natasha Richardson fan ! , and course lindsay too

  4. LindsayLohan001 says:

    ” wow sundently you are so interesting in math ” LOL ! Lindsay <333

  5. feelerr says:

    Remember being 8 years old and watching this, then imagining I had a twin sister who was Lindsay Lohan…. It’s sad to see how Lindsay is today..

  6. nicagirl12 says:

    Lindsay was adorable!!!! And Elaine Hendrix is so pretty. 🙂

  7. fukae says:

    Lohan (1998): cute
    Lohan (2011): ……..

  8. nioor says:

    Such a waste.

  9. SwaggGoesDeff says:

    Aww, when she wasn’t FREAKING CRAZY =D

  10. Mrsteelkiller says:

    She was sooo adorable in this movie,but look what she became now ;-;..

  11. theplock99 says:

    It’s really sad just to know that this cute little girl grew up to be a drunken whore that no one likes.

  12. masteryoyo3160684 says:

    shes so cute here!

  13. MizzSoRandom says:

    I can’t believe this came out in 1998!! It seemed like yesterday when it was 2003 and this was my favourite movie! I watched it like, everyday and I’m not even joking!:L Haha! I love it! :’D

  14. jradetzky says:

    little slut, i would have done it back then

  15. selmalover says:

    kinda sad to believe this cute freckled little girl is the same washed up junkie methface carpet muncher who’s in risk of spending a year in jail for stealing.

  16. JewsusTehChrist says:

    Lindsay got her wet. Awesome.

  17. MrFootballguy7 says:

    who is linsey

  18. DIONYSES000AD says:

    moron master-race …… BRING IT ON …..

  19. excLusiive12 says:

    This is the cutest little actress your ever going to see <3 And now shes bitch but i still love her

  20. obafete says:

    i saw this movie 5or6 years ago and have been looking for it ever sine and finaly i found it today . this is my favifot movie ever and iam 11 and a BOY but i just love it

  21. toemeraldcity says:

    never seen this version but weird now to see this clip after all of La la Lohans troubles lately….sad I blame the parents…she’s a brilliant little actress here

  22. hirothemouse says:

    That’s Lindsay Lohan?

    um….. o.o

  23. andyelde says:

    Whoever hasn’t seen the Parent Trap has NO CHILDHOOD ! This is MY MOVIE okay?

  24. snes64dsi says:

    Lindsay Lohan really scrapped the bottom of the shit barrel on her career today. She should’ve retired after “Herbie: Fully Loaded”. *sigh* 🙁

  25. WeirdsAGoodThing says:

    @boffinme80 Hallie is American and Annie is English. So this is Annie pretending to be Hallie in America.