Lindsay Lohan Wants to Work With Chris Brown? – Facebook Fan Page! – Click to Subscribe to ClevverMusic! Hello, and welcome back to ClevverMusic, I’m Bridget Daly. Well, there’s nothing like Twitter to bring two random famous people together. Lindsay Lohan seems to be quite taken with Chris Brown these days. During the VMAs on Sunday she took to her Twitter to write, Chris Brown killed it. Hashtag MTV VMAs. Breezy then retweeted that. Soon after, she tweeted again, this time directly writing to Chris, Wanna meet? He hasn’t responded to her since, unless he direct messaged her, in which case we’d have no proof. But now we’re wondering what she wants with Chris Brown! Some blogs are obviously saying she wants to date him, but Lindsay scoffed at that, telling Gossip Cop that would be so random. But what we think is that she probably wants to work with him on music. He’s pretty much killing it right now, and Lindsay could use all the help she could get! She does have a decent enough voice, and as you might remember, she even released a few songs back in her hayday! So guys what do you think about the possibility of a Lilo-Breezy collabo? Weigh in below with your comments, or visit to vote in our poll! Thanks for watching, see ya next time.

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25 Responses

  1. TheTScofield501 says:

    let`s wait and see!!

    p/s: wtf!! is that woman wearing justin bieber`s thing?!!!!! LOL!!

  2. shadowloks2292 says:

    guys are still talking about what happend 2 years ago cmon ppl those chris brown jokes are getting old

  3. TheGlowstickgirl says:

    i love it she a pertty gud singer

  4. alreadycrowning says:

    Wow its a shame that there is so much haters in this world that hate to see people doing good. Every Chris Brown post I see theirs always someone that has something negative to say like they never did anything in their life. So what if they want to make a music together its nobodies business. Jealous people nowadays.

  5. DawnAnnaHarmonySD says:

    I can’t picture that happening.

  6. brookedavies100 says:

    Chris Brown NO plz this drug user will turn your life hell

  7. life55998 says:

    she wants that big black cock

  8. kc821guam says:

    He will beat the crap out of her….

  9. proent says:

    yeah he killed a dance performance.. but he was wearing a microphone and just lip snyced…. chris does write a lot of demos for girls tho actually so maybe he can give her a “hit” no pun intended. she should do a song with pitbull tho and call truce

  10. XoChiArA60xO says:

    no way. chris is too good of an artist to work with her.

  11. CeArBroBa05 says:

    that would be so cool .. !!:)

  12. ItZMeF3RNaND0 says:

    watch out for chris’ cousins

  13. 98Enaa says:

    Justin Bieber shirt -.-

  14. laniegirl28 says:

    I would say Chris doesn’t need Lindsay as much as she would need him for her music career. He didn’t get top ten hits on his last album for nothing. People need to get a life and move on. Chris owned that VMA stage, something that many artists in his genre fail to do regularly. Who really cares why she wants to meet him? It doesn’t have to do with anyone but the two of them. People may forget that Chris has had a girlfriend for almost a year now, so I doubt he’s interested in her that way.

  15. ceear14 says:

    @mano4488 @shucom95 @4hekk @Evanfan92 @LAMONTWILLIAMS21 @karinan3rd @BreakPics @nivri7 FUCK OFF, HATERS OF LINDSAY AND CHRIS! Anything is possible.They can make Collabo. Lindsay is a good singer. She just need to make a HUGE comeback. Specially in MUSIC! I know Lindsay makes mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes,Bitches! Stop Hating..It won’t make you TALENTED as LINDS! LIKE THIS LINDSAY FANS!!! #LindsayNation #LiLovers

  16. MrSandhya27 says:

    y is bridget wearing a justin bieber Top >:(

  17. mano4488 says:

    They both are in and out of jail so why not?

  18. shucom95 says:

    itll ruin his music hell no

  19. 4hekk says:

    hell no. worst idea ever

  20. TheZarbodShow says:

    I’d love to hear more of her music!

  21. Evanfan92 says:

    its never going to happen

  22. LAMONTWILLIAMS21 says:

    Lindsay Lohan Wants to Work With Chris Brown? WOW THAT BAD FOR MUSIC

  23. tdv0123456789i says:

    @1Gagaulala Come on people that was awhile ago ~need to let it go~

  24. curlyhairgirl247 says:

    I like your shirt 🙂

  25. ceear14 says:

    LiLo-Breezy Collabo