Lindsay Lohan Pleads No Contest to Jewelry Theft

The troubled actress didn’t admit to stealing a 00 necklace last February, but her no contest plea does go on her record as a conviction. (May 11)

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25 Responses

  1. NiteStarGirl says:

    @3ald3eaver Let’s hope he makes it a hard slap. She needs one!

  2. 3ald3eaver says:

    Travolta gets to pimp-slap Lohan, Gotti style LOL

  3. moviedude22 says:

    @SeiferOptics you are a Nigger that’s for sure. The precise definition to be exact

  4. BertGriffin88 says:

    Kelly Preston, hang on to your jewelery cause Lohan will be stealing yo man, Johnny. But, is that really your hidden agenda? Kelly, how’d you get roped into being part of this murdering thieving gangsta Gotti crap? Johnny & Lohan are of this ilk, so no surprize there. But then you are Johnny’s gun moll. Once again, America needs more murder and youze Hollywood gangstas can’t wait to deliver this Glamorized Sociopathic Behavior. From Vega to Chilli to Gotti, get your thug on Travolta.

  5. strangetribe says:

    Total mockery of our justice system..She was threatened by a judge 2 years ago to clean up or else and laughed it off. If she were a non celebrity she would go to jail.I guess if you are in Herbie the Love Bug the law doesnt apply to you.

  6. MsNeoDraven says:

    @CertifiedGooner729 :-O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (BLEhhhh)

  7. louie000000000000000 says:

    Justice is far from blind.

  8. SeiferOptics says:


  9. Mattothee says:

    haha these fucked up celebrities make me laugh, i do pity them though. Most people can’t handle fame

  10. EV1DEN5E says:

    money is power

  11. Mogansss says:

    omfg she’s so stupid I can’t believe it -_-

  12. VertSk8er12 says:

    why does this bitch keep getting in trouble/

  13. SuperACG says:

    @AduhAwas no, it means that if you have money and/or privilege then you don’t get in trouble…

  14. CertifiedGooner729 says:

    Sentence her to 24 hrs. of community bukkake and call it a day.

  15. AduhAwas says:

    Fuck this shit! Arrest her! There are people spending time in jail for far lesser offenses! This just goes to show that united states judicial system is totally broken!

  16. CertifiedGooner729 says:

    Who cares if she looks hot again. She’s not the only piece of ass. Besides, her pussy is probably so beat up. It probably smells like a fish tank too. Not to mention the possible diseases.

  17. Vleesball says:

    Why isnt she being locked up for the rest of her life?
    A dude gets locked up for rest of his life for just smoking weed, this bitch gets 1 hour in jail for coke and all that crazy shit?
    Are you fucking kidding me?

  18. StoryEndsHere says:

    they should have locked up this train wreck to society and threw away the key a long time ago

  19. chingon711 says:

    fine her and move on already ffs.

  20. NB5BHVL says:

    If she wasn’t such a lesbian I’d fuck her in all three

  21. rollingcan says:

    Why the fuck does she have so many court appearances. why didn’t they settle this in the first court appearance. This why we don’t have money to fix pot hole in the street and stuff.

  22. onepoundpull says:

    She posts a $25,000 bond for stealing a $2,500.00 necklace…apparently math wasn’t her best subject in school either…
    She says the necklace was just a thing..well we all know “things go better with coke”!

  23. fatchicksneedloveT00 says:

    quit hating on her cause she’s hot… homos

  24. THEARBITER641 says:

    Same shit outcome everytime,AP…we really dont give a shit about Hohan anymore its getting old…

  25. codeagent47 says:

    guilty guilty guilty!!!

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