Lindsay Lohan Accuser Fired From Rehab Clinic

A day that began with authorities confirming Lindsay Lohan was being investigated for battery on a female staffer at a rehab facility where Lohan is getting treatment, ended with the worker getting fired after giving an interview about it. (Dec. 21)

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19 Responses

  1. MrLeatherface2783 says:

    this waste of a llife bitch needs to o.d and die so people who really want to help people get off drugs dont have to worry about washed up actors making them lose their jobs

  2. MrLeatherface2783 says:

    i hope they throw this washed up bitch in jail she always blaming somebody for shit her and her family just trailer trash

  3. treid100182 says:

    Lindsay Lohan is a cunt…that’s all.

  4. zephr5 says:

    No, Lindsay is already famous its the dumb B that reported everything AND spoke to media. The Betty Ford worker just wants her 15 minutes. What a loser!

  5. champlainabc says:

    i dont think she’ll ever set foot in a prison again. She might even kill someone one day and still won’t go…well, maybe 10 min?

  6. 6enlighten9 says:

    What has this whore done again in the last decade? Who gives a shit

  7. abanahasky73 says:

    @zephr5 Fame?…The only fame that shes getting famous for is her spoiled rich kid actions…She isnt
    going to be of this world much longer.And if any justice would be served it is to throw her ass in jail…THAT
    lesson might stick…these “Rehab”stints are forced…You want help you got to ask for and want it..Not be forced.

  8. zephr5 says:

    F*ck you guys! Are you all serious? Its hard enough to work on addiction without everyone else trying to some how get rich on her fame!

  9. HerrSpieldose says:

    @HerrSpieldose especially some cunt like Lohan with Borderline Personality Disorder… people like that make up false allegations about people all the time….

  10. HerrSpieldose says:

    OH BOY! I am becoming a drug counselor… the things to look forward to.

  11. Tzimnewman3 says:

    Celebs live in a dream world where they think everyone will do as they say. They don’t like being told what to do and when they can’t get their way resort to beating.

    Amy WhoreHouse is a another example of such a brain dead person thinking the world owes them something.

  12. Dethclops7 says:


  13. chrizbie says:

    I miss lindsay

  14. xxxWarriorGoddessxxx says:

    @Vleesball You don’t know what reporting means you retard!

  15. torzidotwisted says:

    hope she dies,,,..

  16. playaz96 says:

    if you dont give a shit , why click on the link…. was the title not clear enough for you….

  17. Vleesball says:

    two idiots below me dont know what reporting means.

  18. xxxWarriorGoddessxxx says:

    Who gives a shit?!
    Report some REAL NEWS AP!

  19. Truthiness231 says:

    This story has went from “I don’t care” to “Christ-fucking-Muhammad I don’t care and why does the media have a boner for Lindsay Lohan?”…

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