Predictions: 2012, President Obama, Justin Bieber, Lebron James, Lindsay Lohan, Chuch Norris

More cards of destiny predictions: What will happen with Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber? Can President Obama make the hard decisions? Will Lebron James win a championship? Can Chuck Norris beat a ninja? The cards tell us. Number facts, lucky numbers, and numbers in the news. Twitter: NumberTweeter

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24 Responses

  1. hillsonchuks says:

    DeStorm’s? Brother?..
    wow looks like twin..

  2. Iaskforhelp says:

    The Power Brothers Will OverPower YouTube! u just wait and see

  3. ABBSausage says:

    will DeStorm become a better rapper than 50 cent?

  4. squintz1408 says:

    Can Superman get anymore ridiculously overpowered?

  5. michaeloutcold says:

    lmao obomas a joke,,,,,,,,r hahahahahaha

  6. bruciie says:

    Lol my favorite” Can Chuck Norris beat a ninja”

  7. NxtGen98 says:

    DeStorm’s Brother?

  8. cieplutenki says:

    Will Drake stop using his blackberry during freestyles?

  9. AnnaLanay says:

    lol i love this nd u do kinda look like destorm

  10. DMTgamezone says:

    @HappyBobby55 a lil kid when he say then santa aint real 😀 xD

  11. DMTgamezone says:

    @HappyBobby55 WOW!! :D… 2012 D:

  12. tmold16 says:

    You sound like your brother ahaha

  13. cdog2508 says:

    the world may/or may not go under but when GB is elected prez, THE NWO will start to take affect

  14. DonMarkSaladbar says:

    xP This was actually very entertaining 🙂
    okay so… Will the Simpsons ever stop airing?? xP

  15. StokesOfToledoOH says:

    DeStorm’s Brother?

  16. pupgrl1 says:

    Is Michael Jackson still alive?

  17. SonicMaverick3000 says:

    Lol this is so great and funny! Subscribed! 😀

  18. PhilippRB31 says:

    are you really destorms brother ? 😀

  19. HappyBobby55 says:

    Who is talking in the backround at 4:06

  20. HappyBobby55 says:


  21. DeStorm says:

    enjoyed this one

  22. ozbillybong says:

    chucks beard could flog a ninny

  23. ozbillybong says:

    ya lost me on the chev mate lol

  24. ozbillybong says:

    thats amazing lol

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