Lindsay Lohan faces 90 days in jail

Actress Lindsay Lohan breaks down in court as judge sentences her to 90 days in jail . Submit your videos at . Follow us on twitter at .

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25 Responses

  1. scottunderline says:

    Game Over Lindsay! By @twiscott

  2. Mstwilightanna says:

    why she is in jail what did she do ?

  3. jessbee9 says:


  4. kakosangdamo88 says:

    look at her face :))

  5. karlos000119 says:

    Lohan should just get a private driver for her if she’s planning to party all night

  6. scheissaufGOOG2E says:

    holiday on ice xD

  7. cyd33th says:

    @labrat7357 xsactly wat i had in mind

  8. jgonzxx says:


  9. arpeemac says:

    what do you mean “what”?? yer goinna jail baby. =))

  10. ChicanoTattooArt says:

    @SweetMiserie wow 22 days lol

  11. SweetMiserie says:

    HAHA! Have fun in jail, bimbo. ;D

  12. TheXzxi says:

    She have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

  13. dixseez says:

    Damn Lindsey..You gotta come chill down over here wit me ,down in Inglewood.Fuck them reporters…u gots the Doe”

  14. gunthergottlieb says:

    R.I.P. she died of a drug over dose just last night …

  15. Yonaggers says:

    RIP lindsay lohan 🙁

  16. The1994Gforce says:

    Oh, big suprise! Lindsay Lohan gets arrested for the umpteenth time in the last few minutes. Hey, Lindsay. Live and learn, stupid! Haven’t you learned by now? If you’re still getting arrested for DUI’s, you should know by now you’re not gonna get home without a jail sentence! I bet by now, you have your very own cell on permanent reserve.

  17. fisherboizz says:

    i say give her more then 90 days.. its what happens when you dont follow the law. if she cared she would have listed. im happy. i think the court did great and i thank the jodge:)

  18. tbirdlauderdale says:

    watch this guys ……. lets see how? important lebron james is after? u see this……

    go to googlevideo and watch endgame

  19. tombrady87 says:

    @HallaHallaFreak1 seriously. What if during her drunken escapades she ran somebody over. It goes for everyone.

  20. 100WONGTSZ says:

    i think
    the law should not forgive her because she broke the law
    we should forgive her because she get lost in the entertainment industry…

  21. 100WONGTSZ says:

    is her lawyer representing her? lift your head

  22. g19hoops83 says:

    Is there a jail for crie babys.

  23. PLAYwerk says:

    I leave the correct judgment to the judge…
    But what we have here is a young girl who get lost in the lights of Hollywood and now she feels lonely and desperate and I don’t understand people who could laugh about that. I feel sorry for her and I hope she come down a little for her on good. But fear in people’s faces is never funny!

  24. steelangel112 says:

    wow.. i feel sorry for her.. i know how it feel .. my brother was three month in prison.. he was crying.. he was selling drug and got? druck…shit happen.i lve my brother and im miss him.. i know all you guy,… do stupid mistake.. lindsy lohan is human being.. and dont judge..her.. really wrong .. to tell her to die …god will not forgive some people to jugde? other. and said evil word that i cant decribe.. …

  25. steelangel112 says:

    wow.. i feel sorry for her.. i know how it feel .. my brother was three month in prison.. he was crying.. he was selling drug and got? druck…shit happen.i lve my brother and im miss him.. i know all you guy,… do stupid mistake.. lindsy lohan is human being.. and dont judge..her.. really wrong .. to tell her to die …god will not forgive some people to jugde? other. and said evil word that i cant decribe.. …

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