Lindsay Lohan Crying Plea To Judge Before Sent To Jail – Live Video

Lindsay Lohan’s Crying Begging Plea To Judge In Court Before Sentence To 90 Days In Jail.

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25 Responses

  1. reebokj18 says:

    @disgustika bigot.

  2. jake5824 says:

    She didnt know that missing those classes was not compliant with the court ruling? maybe she should have asked her lawyer who representing her, instead of telling the judge a bunch of bs

  3. ReebaShmeeba says:

    That’s fine, you have an opinion and I feel the same way…I don’t get even HOW they get off with lesser sentences (do they pay off the judge..?).
    What I’m referring to though is the people who say stuff like “____ is such a slut, she’s a this, she’s a that”…like ok…? Lol like it’s just weird to say that ’cause I’m sure she’s made mistakes..but so does the rest of the world, it’s called being human.

  4. PatriciaDiru says:

    Did she do something to her lips??

  5. DrunkEdgeSociety says:

    @ReebaShmeeba I get “negative” because if they do go to jail they get LESSER sentences than the average American. If you did the same crime tomorrow, you will get a minimum of 6 months. She fucking put lives at risk. Martha Stuart got a stiffer sentence for what I consider a lesser crime. At least Stuart’s crime never put human lives in danger. What if she would have killled some kid? Oh, let’s give her 6 months because she’s a celebrity

  6. OTHFAN721 says:

    Even though she did all of this I still like her.

  7. SpeedingStudent says:

    @ryanbg328 And Lohan is nearly broke, which makes it even sweeter. Ha ha!

  8. SpeedingStudent says:

    @disgustika Ha ha! I see what you did there…

  9. SpeedingStudent says:

    Suck it, bitch.

  10. ReebaShmeeba says:

    I don’t understand why people get so negative about celebs…you act like you know them personally or something. Go ahead and have your opinions, but why be so cruel?….some of you just sit behind your lil computers knowing that you can say anything and no one can hurt you behind your screens…hmm who’s the bitch now?

  11. rugmaster58 says:

    what ever! fucking bitch got off easy!

  12. ryanbg328 says:

    The real reality is the law is the law, no matter how much money you have.

  13. AliciaSantaguida says:

    @malevientdiva as people get older and their hormones change so does the colour of their natural hair. I used to have red hair and now I have dark roots similar to Lindsays. It’s obvious her blonde has been bleached and she hasn’t gotten her roots done.

  14. mynameisjuan84 says:

    @h0nGo18 shes a C level actress, a horrible singer, and mediocre model. The judge did her job. she got less than she should have. anyone else would have gotten years instead of days like shes going to get. This video makes me laugh. I am surprised she hasnt OD’d by now though.

  15. catholicarchangel says:

    @Frejalise Well if you just want to offend others that’s another way of doing nothing. God bless.

  16. Frejalise says:

    @catholicarchangel Prayer: How to do nothing, and still think you’re helping.

  17. rhyanova says:

    she has so much restylane in her lips…is she really crying over 90 days?…what is she so afraid of…im sure shell make heap loads of money when she gets out and will be sent right back to jail soon after.

  18. sasukefangirl43 says: glad shes going to jail -_-
    she deserves it >:C

  19. myk8686 says:

    and she’s an actor, so its clear in this vid she’s lyin………… someone give me the key i will lock her up and then pour acid on the key infront of her !! woop!!!

  20. erasmus2012 says:

    @h0nGo18 boo fucking hoo Lindsay will love the leso lickings in jail. what are you crying about?

  21. erasmus2012 says:

    about bloody time why should celebrities have special treatment when it comes to breaking the law we are all equal in the eyes of god.? Hopefully she wont be piss weak like Paris Hilton & break her discipline. These women need to learn restraint.

  22. h0nGo18 says:

    she is such a great actress, singer and model.
    The judge hates her!!!

  23. BadBoo22 says:

    @Cytacon You took the motherfuckin words right outta my mouth. Couldnt have said it better myself..

  24. KiittyCupcake says:

    For our sake? hahaha

  25. Beartronics says:

    I hate seeing hot bitches cry

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