Lindsay Lohan gets Punched By a Waitress!

Lindsay Lohan’s 24th birthday celebrations have taken a violent turn after a waitress allegedly punched the starlet in the face out of jealousy.

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25 Responses

  1. McLarenMercedes says:


    bad excuse

  2. calibre9mm says:

    @McLarenMercedes shes been living the hollywood spotlight since she was 8. that would fuck up every1s conception of life. dont u think so stupid?

  3. McLarenMercedes says:


    yeah, but she has a brain of a 4 year old

  4. jlya2012 says:

    Lindsay Lohan looks 40 years old.

  5. ilanaaq says:

    @minskie she was actually ok as a kid; something happened on the way…

  6. minskie says:

    Why is this woman so popular?!!! She’s a no talent nobody!

  7. theWHYing says:


  8. bltnxkrw says:

    whos lindsay lohan

  9. ronmann606 says:

    no vid of the punch dont watch

  10. sergeantRC says:

    awe, i thought we were going to see her get punched, not listen to someone talk about it. Thumbs Down

  11. irafenian says:

    what a bitch

  12. fredchannels says:

    poor lindsay she changed for the worse 🙁
    i miss her naturally red hair

  13. DrockPend says:

    she twittered for help!!!! what a dumbass call the cops. seriously lindsay get off those drugs.

  14. hellokittyismyfavy says:

    You should check out her recent paparazzi photos, she has so many wrinkles on her forhead, around her lips.. she looks like she’s in her late 30s and her hair looks so ratty too. She needs to stop with her drug abuse and drop the alcohol.

  15. GluttonForSex says:

    What’s with this constant parade of blond poster women in the featured videos lately? Are some of the suits of YouTube supporters of Aryan Nations or something? This is getting a little annoying.

  16. forestskog says:

    @MsKimmova Well said. That was a short, sharp slice of truth.

  17. sambagtas says:

    she looks like a zombie.. :))

  18. Mrgangstaist says:

    i feel sorry for her.

  19. 5deadspace says:

    @MsKimmova ha so true


    she was so beautiful… so hot. NOW ITS A SHIT.

  21. MsKimmova says:

    when u have to tweet bout gettin punched in the face to get attention u know ur 15 mins is up

  22. razorlalala says:

    she deserved it. but it seems to me its another attempt to get famous

  23. nextgengamesftw says:

    she prolly deserved it

  24. xxlomxx says:

    hhahha wat an ugly slut ^_^

  25. 1983czar says:


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