Lindsay Lohan All Smiles In The Sun.

Lindsay Lohan All Smiles In The Sun In Los Angeles , California. USA 07 20 09 — Follow us on Twitter at

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10 Responses

  1. turnuon79 says:

    i think after … but did they had a fight ? or was it just misunderstanding ?

  2. Armani1106 says:

    is it before or after they had this fight?

  3. greengirl120 says:

    haha. Im glad she’s smiling now! 🙂

  4. brasilyursch says:

    1 minute staring at a black car! wow, what a great video!

  5. dimitrelaaaa says:

    she looks happy. i hope its not a mask. love lindsay 4ever

  6. xXxPaMixXxUKxXx says:

    Why does everyone has to have an opinion on MJ? I loved his music and everything, but he’s dead get over it. Let him rest in peace. Something that he didnt have when he was alive.

  7. appppppa says:

    u lost you dildo?

  8. markbyrn says:

    Does she have an opinion on Michael Jackson?

  9. 006135 says:

    stupid bitch
    none of them are nice there all stuck up
    the piece of shit

  10. thatdudenextdoor says:

    i just bort a movie with ali lohan in it hhaha love lindsay

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