Lindsay Lohan Got Down n Dirty Go Rate and Comment this video to help us win. Comment once a day pls! :): Remember to enter in your video to possibly get onto the first episode of the QUAD: Stories: Avatar to be better than Phantom Menace: Michael Bay Video: (NSFW)Lindsay Muse Photo Shoot(NSFW):

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25 Responses

  1. Poral00 says:

    bad is better than worse

  2. TheFoodly says:

    I was trying to figure out why I haven’t watched this video yet.
    Then I saw that link labeled with NSFW.

    I got sidetracked, and never watched the video apparently.

  3. nekorion says:

    I’m a nerd, using his laptop while sitting in a spinny chair, drinking coke.

    If this isn’t you, you’re lying.

  4. dealinwithdan1 says:

    QOTD: you don’t care what them cracka mackas think about yo ranting. You BAMF!

  5. Okamok says:

    I’ll only stop watching when the chimp starts talking.

  6. beatlesfan11 says:

    QOTD: I started watching about 2 years ago. I think I stumbled across you on the tubez and I’ve watched ever since.

  7. Josh345543 says:

    its creative how u say ” u have just been PHILed in” lolz.

  8. psyrotic says:

    Scientifically speaking, it is a fruit, don’t argue with me woman or I shall have your head!

  9. lomaxdalegend says:

    Dude u Whack!!!!!!!

  10. shannonnr89 says:

    QOTD: because you are a sexy man beast that makes me laugh!!!

  11. CGMH0 says:

    OMG, 400. Thats awesome. I just like your style and you make me laugh about the stupidity of the world, while sometimes you could just cry. And I like to laugh instead. Keeps you away from drowning in the madness of life.

  12. Britty5096 says:

    it’s a vegetable too! look up the meaning of vegetable 🙂

  13. zorro10451 says:

    This guy is his own greatest admirer. Give it up man and get a real job.

  14. Indrost says:

    I am me and I watch because I find that you are quite enjoyable. I think it was boredom that led me to your discovery and every day since I’ve thanked that boredom briefly and moved on to being bored again.

    🙂 Grats on the 400!

  15. xXmeghanpaigeXx says:

    Bad is great compared to worse! hahah, fave quote EVER! 🙂

  16. RAx2013 says:

    QOTD: I enjoy being “filled in” in a unique way.

  17. Mheartable says:

    QOTD: well, honestly, your kinda sexy. and smart and thats a good combination, one I think is pretty hot. And sometimes you’ve got some interesting things to say 🙂

  18. kendra5623 says:

    QOTD: Because I should be studying right now.

  19. robotentity says:

    I rated 5* even before the video began. That’s how much I believe in you.

  20. Albyneh says:

    QOTD: Why do I watch? Why DO I watch….? I don’t know I guess because this show let’s me know that there’s someone else out there that can actually think for themselves and let logic enter their minds =]

  21. faxmachine911 says:

    QOTD: I’m a poor college kid. Your vids are free and entertaining.

  22. miniamp117 says:

    QOTD: CUZ I WANT 2!! GET OFF MY DICK! lukz jk

  23. spcam777 says:

    QOTD: In the last week I started asking myself why I watch (and subscribe). What happened? Phil used to be funny, sarcastic, witty and ironic. Now every other word is the f-bomb, d–k, pu–y, etc. It’s bitterness against religion, pro-homosexuality and it’s Phil’s way or you’re an idiot. Not really funny anymore, guy. Just angry, bitter and vulgar. Peace Out.

  24. psyrotic says:

    A tomato is a fruit not a vegetable, it is a fruit.

  25. Thyreus123 says:

    QOTD: I honestly can’t remember why/how i started watching

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