Lindsay Lohan Goes Off, Refuses To Pay For Drinks

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25 Responses

  1. noformstyle says:

    Truth be told. All guys want to do her. Drug out or not.

  2. H2Oreo says:

    I’m sorry the dialogue does not match the setting here. Either have a more professional dialogue, or get rid of the “news” setting…

  3. katylady618 says:

    you should seriously improve your dialogue.

  4. phoboskitty says:

    sounds like coke too me!

  5. faceclutch says:

    worst Jamaican accent ever!

  6. DaniCinq says:

    I don’t see what they are complaining about her looks for. I thought she looked pretty in that picture. Maybe trying too hard, but pretty. Maybe too much makeup, but pretty. Maybe too much hair dye, but….

  7. heyjunky says:

    erm… I disagree. but I see where you’re coming from.

  8. TheSilhouette says:

    Funny how less than 6 years ago Lohan was actually pretty hot.

    She’s kind of like Family Guy – she went downhill FAST.

  9. FireRoseX5 says:


  10. dangerouslytalented says:

    Ooo she is not lookin’ good. She is very Courtney Love.

    The clubs give celebrities booze in order to get more sales from those who want to see those celebrities.

    Who wants to see Lohan these days?

  11. dangerouslytalented says:

    Yeah, but she looks dead. So she looks like she is 40. Because she will be dead by 40. Um… yeah

  12. pooyan6969 says:

    Until she stops the drugs and booze, she will no longer get the club privileges as she once did. Why? Because she looks like a bag of smashed assholes now from all her drug and alcohol abuse. She looks like Hell beyond

  13. cba1067950 says:

    The only good part about this video is that it fed my obsession with Ana. Now that I know we are similar in age it’s on…. I’m coming to somewhere in california ana… I don’t know where you guys shoot but I’ll be there.

  14. ennuieffect says:

    lindsay lohan radiates hangover everywhere she goes. i happened to be pushed aside by her entourage once at a bar in beverly hills. everyone around her smelled like puke and looked like they spent 3 weeks in vegas with a suitcase full of coke. and it was only 10:30 pm… stay classy, lindsay.

  15. ogrish84 says:

    Lindsay Lohan is a ugly skank!

  16. cgreenwade2000 says:

    She looks likes she 23. Where does this way over part come from.

    As for the hot part. HELL YES!

  17. 121jazzy says:

    Cenk I love ur idea of a Jamaican accent..LOL!!

  18. kakompo says:

    Lohan is a clown.

  19. tbra3477 says:

    Ana’s 23! Wtf! She looks way older. But she’s still way hot

  20. twins1729 says:

    Me too! 😀

  21. LtShock says:

    Yuck! Lindsay Lohan looks like shit. And she used to be sooo hawt!

  22. phoenixsuns4life says:

    Ana look so hot. Fuuuuuuuck.

  23. suisenbenjo says:

    good question

  24. pooyan6969 says:

    Jafaken from Jafaka

  25. ICEGOD2 says:

    Poor baby. How far have you fallen?

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