Is Lindsay Lohan Hooking Up With Balthazar Getty?

A new report says Lindsay Lohan and Sienna Miller’s ex, Balthazar Getty showed up to a club together and were ” all over each other.

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17 Responses

  1. boaksta says:

    I hope knot but she does look adorably ravishing to me at least

  2. hunybuny16 says:

    shes Bi

  3. sk8trgurl2 says:

    what is going on with her?

  4. julkey says:

    isnt she gay?

  5. hunnybear312 says:

    i think she is bi

  6. luvamalu says:

    isn’t she gay ?! & now she is with a guy ! ok she is weird

  7. LileeSoeliani says:

    at least shes hooking up with a guy finally! but i like sienna better

  8. Kinkyilu says:

    i dunno Baltazar looked way better in his early 20s

  9. clifgreen3 says:

    dang shes all over the place lol

  10. pclle says:

    betty ford that shit

  11. pclle says:

    pretty much

  12. Em4life620 says:


  13. WhiteKnighT161 says:

    she’s a hooker alright.

  14. college87 says:

    who cares if she is hooking up with anyone. she needs help

  15. Greenterror says:

    she needs 2 hookup with the rehab center

  16. bierina15 says:

    i love this channel:)

  17. kcmj62 says:


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