Brandy Will Be At The Public Memorial at Neverland Ranch.

Brandy Will Be At The Public Memorial at Neverland Ranch In California. USA 06 30 09 — Follow us on Twitter at … “Brandy Norwood” USA “The Public Memorial” California “Neverland Ranch”

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25 Responses

  1. lifeofmusic09 says:

    some of yall are really ridiculous…

  2. iamgrimey says:

    i never said i knew her dumb ass. what does michael (RIP) have to do with this. your probaly a female that is ovulating….. :\

  3. cizmthemantiz says:

    Fuck brandy. She is a has been like monica

  4. TheBigBang191 says:

    ROFl look jackass its close minded people like you that make me wish that could trade places with michael jackson right now. He died, i wish he was alive still, but instead the world is still infected with morons like yourself. You dont even know brandy on a personal level but because of a car “ACCIDENT” you judge her based on that?? Umm do you know how ignorant that sounds? Haha then again i shouldnt exspect anything less of you. Please go slit your rist now. 🙂

  5. doubline says:

    is called accident,it happens to any one,you are not perfect,so get over yourself.

  6. DJ22PJ says:

    Not only do you learn the facts but you also need to learn the law. Her car was not the one that collided with the woman who died. She wasn’t charged with anything because there was no crime committed. If there was then she would have been charged. They’re called accidents for a reason. You idiot. Look up the law, look up the facts and look up the meaning of accident. Once your ignorant ass gets that knowledge then call someone a retard.

  7. iamgrimey says:

    everyone judges people before meeting them dont act stupid. you atleast profile people its part of human nature bitch

  8. iamgrimey says:

    its still her fault you idiot, only reason she got off was because of the fact she is a celeb you fuckin retard.

  9. DJ22PJ says:

    She didn’t run anyone over and she wasn’t under the influence of anything. If you don’t know what you’re talking about you really should shut the fuck up

  10. TheBigBang191 says:

    Umm yes its her fault but you act lke she did it on purpose. I would say fair, if she was a drug addict, an was driving under the influennce of crack. But she wasnt, she climsed her review mirror an at that secnd she hit the woman’s car. Just dont judge people when you dont know them, thas tacky an imature.

  11. mel41589 says:

    wow what a piontless comment!!!!

  12. iamgrimey says:

    still brandys fault.

  13. tableturns77 says:

    shes cute as hell

  14. TheBigBang191 says:

    ROFl where did u hear such bullshit?? The police report clearly said she had no drugs or alcohol in her system. Brandy look in her review mirror for like 3 seconds an the lady got hit by brandy. BTw brandy didnt kill the woman, after she hit her the woman freaked out an her car was hit by 3 other cars that crashed into her an killed her. stop spreading ill minded crap lol, an next time get your info right.

  15. iamgrimey says:

    2 bad brandi ran someone over and killed them when she was under the influence……. shes a killer

  16. Dounoo says:


  17. deefirst says:

    white people is so well spoken.

  18. bootyluveritis says:

    lmao . shes soo sweet .
    &well spoken .
    yayyy brandy ! :]

  19. driven39 says:

    WOW I havent seen Brandy since the 90’s

  20. brekg19 says:

    For that pass month now, they have been videos showing him, including TMZ. Leo makes it way to dramatic and runs to his car, ducks in the back seat. Or he will cover his face completely, like we have never seen him before. God the Jonas brothers don’t even act like that. Britney spears I do feel bad about, maybe she should watch how Brandy does it too.

  21. UShunk says:

    So polite and well spoken.
    I love Brandy.

  22. TheGameFanatic says:

    why cant yall leave people alone

  23. cherrymixxin says:

    You know “Vulture” as in they won’t leave ppl alone…..O and you are welcom 8-D

  24. dontforgetlaura says:

    oww …what is vulture tv
    i’m sorry i just thought he was thinking it was some other tv channel or something oww ok …:)

  25. cherrymixxin says:

    Umm….I think he was using Sarcasim LOL

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