Project Runway – New Season Preview – Heidi Klum Is Back

one committing the biggest faux-pas is eliminated. One major change is that PR’s latest will take place in Los Angeles, PLUS, according to media gossip, some major stars like Eva Longoria Parker, Christina Aguilera, Rebecca Romjin and Lindsay Lohan will participate as guest judges on the show. Of course, the show broadcast has been moved from Bravo to Lifetime – who bought-out the rights to seasons 6 thru 10, and the fresh Project Runway debuts on August 20th… even though the episodes …

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25 Responses

  1. chikyDee788 says:

    OMG its back WOOOOOOP!! ilov project runwaay

  2. leaa says:

    I LOVE PR~

  3. elephantluvr1021 says:

    i love it and sense its in the summer/fall it wont interfere with me watching american idol

  4. iamsupahflyyy says:

    It would’ve been so much better in Bravo. Oh well. SO EXCITED! Can’t believe it’s going to be in L.A. now. I’m sure it’ll be awesome. They’ll make it work. 😉 I love L.A.
    I’m really excited about all the guest judges too.

  5. twilightlydazled says:



  6. jojo47623 says:


  7. pinkgryff says:

    i’ve missed tim saying that!

  8. hannahizme17 says:

    I like this show when it gets down to the top 3

  9. tbone2703 says:


  10. TwilightxxxxFanpire says:

    i ? that show.

  11. lildrtdvl01 says:

    thank god i love Project Runway and i wish it was on bravo tho but w/e

  12. RosesForRachelle says:

    I love your show! C-L-E-V-V-E-R!

  13. ismatshabnam says:

    kwlll love the shw

  14. cindyluvsdemselandjb says:

    OMJ i can’t wait!!!!! i loooove that show! but i would rather have it on bravo tho. 😛

  15. shyshine3010 says:

    I know.. I saw that episode of Tori and Dean… It was so sweet. Lol

  16. shyshine3010 says:

    I’m just glad it’s going to finally come back on again. Me and my Mom have been waiting fot it! We love that show… And that show that replaced it basically Fashion Show or whatever. Well. That show sux. It’s nothing like Project Runway, PR is way more creative than that. I LOVE PR!

  17. SkullsandHearts101 says:

    CAN’T WAIT!!!!

  18. jellygirl122 says:

    oh thank god i got so scared this show wasnt coming back!

  19. ahsnachos says:

    I know that christian sieriano is colaberating with tori spellings jewlery line and used it in fashion week in the fall of 08.

  20. Greenterror says:


  21. cekylsss says:

    i love this show toooo .. im happy ahhhhhhhhhhh …… i cant wait

  22. ItsOkayImBack says:

    she says it like “heidie kluuuuum” xd

  23. flyingpardin says:

    lol i’ve always wondered how english speakers pronounce heidi klum… it sounds so funny xD

  24. 24queenmo says:

    Make it work.

  25. savethewhales9 says:

    Ich kannt vait!

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