David Carradine A Hollywood Tragedy TheLetter Version

: Adam Korson and Alison Turner Jerry Daniels: Adam Korson Lou Michaels: Matt Mckane The Femme Fatal: Jamie Mann Girl Eating Hot Dog: Miranda Lilley Boy Eating Hot Dog: Steven Quimby Sincere condolences to The Carradine Family Special Thanks: The Letter Lesly Kahn Evan in the office Brian Pizza … “David Carradine” “Heath Ledger” “James Dean” “Hollywood Conspiracy” “Tri-Lateral Commission” “9/11 conspiracy” “Chris Farley” “Hollywood Celebrities” “Parody Sketch” “Britney Spears” “Lindsay Lohan” …

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8 Responses

  1. phillygirl50 says:

    great job! that’s my girl.

  2. phillygirl50 says:

    great job. that’s my girl!

  3. abandab says:

    pretty good for 2 day’s work!

  4. marlajoymusic says:


  5. davidxjonestv says:

    Pink’s is grinding people in to the meat of their hot dogs. I always suspected as much.

  6. marcgold2006 says:

    I don’t get it. Can someone explain this to me?

  7. btuf1 says:

    Great Job….loves it!

  8. davidxjonestv says:

    U guys rocked this!

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