Gay Fish Song (Music Video) Kanye West South Park

Do you like fish sticks? Yes. Then you’re a gay fish! From South Park. Images From and … “gay fish” “south park” “kanye west” “music video” “lindsey lohan” heartless parody lol funny gay dirty

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25 Responses

  1. smiker176 says:

    he deserved it he suck a cock

  2. jokamund says:

    They fuckn’ killed Carlos Mancia in that episode.

  3. MrBobbybill123 says:

    these guys be sweet

  4. gigiissocool says:

    e said that he had a peece of humble pie or somethang

  5. Elecktricd00m says:

    its too good a song!

  6. Shenron8888888888 says:

    lol 0:12 XD
    It’s the “Like A Boss” Fish XD XD XD XD

  7. dandeman9999 says:

    You suck. How do you NOT know Kanye?

  8. R8erNation636 says:

    Kanye’s Wikipedia page is protected now; why do I get the feeling that this song’s got something to do with it?

  9. thekoolestguyaaa says:

    seriously, how can you not know who kanye is. im not even a big fan of his but even i know who he is and good name some songs by him. get with the times bro.

  10. irule7812 says:

    funnier on south park

  11. gundamdevilmaycry says:

    about tiem the smash that fuckin no talent nigger!!! ahahahah

  12. robbiebalboa says:

    “i dont even know who the fuck kanye is” you’re joking right. look him up.

  13. ExarPalantas says:


    Great vid; thanks for uploading. 🙂

  14. BboyFootstep says:

    I like Fish Sdicks! lol…. lmfao…

  15. dcgunit50 says:


  16. SKOLDvsKMFDM says:

    BEYOND epic i dont even know who the fuck kanye is but this makes me wanna piss myself laughing!!!!

  17. nickdastick says:

    this song is epic

  18. carlose0318 says:

    muthafuckin gay-fish yo

  19. djrupture666 says:

    Bitch stole my gayfish! lol
    South Park – the original and STILL the best!

  20. horszladee says:

    good thing hate fishsticks

  21. 1993MercuryCougarXR7 says:

    id take that salmon home and work that coddle fin for hours lol

  22. chosenbabyfrom1980 says:

    i fond me a lover who’s a cross dressing type name trish and togather we are gay fish lol you new this got Kanye West pist calling him a closet case, he might be hateing gay people like that do you like fish sticks do you put fish sticks in your mouth? btw 1:38 damm my pants are not getting any loser on that pic.

  23. jdbasq says:

    were u from

  24. warfox567 says:

    So you’re saying Outkast, Jay-Z, Rakim, Nas, Goodie Mob, MF DOOM, and countless others all have no talent? STFU…

  25. ramza675 says:

    1:20 mah hoe

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