Viscera(Big Daddy V) proposes to Lilian Garcia

Viscera(Big Daddy V) proposes to Lilian Garcia … Viscera proposes to Lilian Garcia Big Daddy V Lindsay Lohan

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25 Responses

  1. 4EVERJAMAIKA says:


  2. tourental says:

    yea he was but big daddy v sux

  3. RatedRKOEdgeheads says:


  4. axelsteel21 says:

    gotta love how armando slowly dropped his accent over a year

  5. Agent007008 says:

    “Future children are gonna give a lot of people … a lot of nightmares haha”

    So funny 😀

  6. makkenzibitches says:

    omfg go girlfriend i love lillian spanish temper

  7. 246kisses says:

    JR: “tell him girlfriend.” LOL

  8. alfedgiggles says:

    Big Vis , throw the V up and he will save you

  9. BiggBertz says:

    Hungry and horny, sounds like my day to day life.

  10. killermonkeyto says:

    Viscera is the best

  11. Samho97 says:

    I’m hungry and i’m

  12. ElijahMarquisMoore says:


  13. xxDarkAwpxx says:

    Lilian is a sexy woman

  14. loopiou316 says:

    LMAO @ 1:24 to 1:27

    That is why JR is the best announcer of all time!

  15. bazerko37 says:

    He was…but then he had an affair with Michelle McCool

  16. Drewamania says:

    1:24 … JR gay moment?

  17. xXxWWEFCWROHTNAxXx says:

    3:05 My name is Arrrrrrmando Arejando Esstrrrrrrrada!!!

  18. Tominator3526 says:

    Not at the moment

  19. teppiz93 says:

    Undertaker is married.. right?

  20. Mrsaucyful says:

    tell him girlfreind lol jr is funny

  21. UndertakerFan7695 says:

    in the year 2009, a bunch of fucking assholes acted like gullible retards that copy and paste shit all over youtube because they are fucking queer ass dumbshits

  22. sliver3342 says:


  23. RatedAO2009 says:

    Beauty loves ugly..that is why wwe sucks

  24. xese4lifex says:

    Whatever happened to Armando Alejandro Estrada?

  25. jeff123cena12 says:

    i dont even now about a women / wwe diva but a fly would not even marry that bitch

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