Confessions of a Teen Age Drama Queen p4

movie … part lindsay lohan movies carlynmichelle music p1 entertainment news short film tv

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25 Responses

  1. totaldaydreamer101 says:

    who sings the song at the start of this?

  2. aaahhhhaaaahhhh says:

    hot whores but this movie is gay.

  3. Sakura8134 says:

    0:50 – 1:37

    Love Lola’s hair!

  4. KoalaCookies says:

    megan fox’s voice irks me to no end.

  5. Akeldamadet says:

    megan fox

  6. kjboricua86 says:

    i can not stand megan fox…

  7. frailwhispers says:

    LOL costumes are sacred x2
    this movie is so darn stupid

  8. dodobird35 says:

    aaaaaah that ladys so strange!!

  9. anggilikesyou says:

    lola’s mom looks old

  10. lifecanbeboaring08 says:

    that was funny when she was dancing with the teacher

  11. d0nth8duhkiid says:

    Man does that girl’s sidekick ever talk, guess she’s just a follower who likes to dress up as her frenemy

  12. 92GH says:

    lindsay lohan and megan fox are both looking fitttt

  13. rebeccaxHx says:

    that’s funny, man.

  14. dearhydeist says:

    I wanna be loved by you by Marylin Monroe from the movie “Some Like It Hot” ^^

  15. heyslutface says:

    Never Leave You – Lumidee

  16. djxmemory2 says:

    lindsay looks so gorgeus!

  17. imipickles says:

    when stu is in the shell he’s holding his crotch hahahahah
    great movie

  18. wankmyhorseplz says:

    If your parents brought you up properly you could be incapable of lying.

  19. Futuremrspattinson says:

    Uh-oh- Lumidee. Hope this helps!

  20. saroyanale says:


  21. MiaCheerleader says:

    no, sorry they are not.

    Carol Kane plays Mrs Baggoli
    and Glenne Headly plays the mom.

    Though, they do look similar!

  22. lizziebabes90 says:

    Glenne Headly plays Lola’s mother and Carol Kane plays Miss Baggoli.

  23. lizziebabes90 says:

    Curly hair is cute, too.

  24. pearlsrrare says:

    the mom and teacher are the same actors. its so cool. haha

  25. swimgirl85204 says:

    this is the best movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

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