Lindsay 2009-05-17

Lindsay Lohan took paparazzi out on a full day of grocery shopping and errend running with her and her bodygaurd throughout the Los Angeles basin on Sunday, May 17th. … Lindsay Lohan Samantha Ronson

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8 Responses

  1. lanko1 says:

    who da hell she is i don`t even know her a porno star? 😀

  2. aadrian911 says:


  3. marioom25 says:

    maybe she texted the paps 🙂

  4. Bernie8896 says:

    I think she says ‘ I dont think thats any of your business’ ??

  5. arieligh says:

    the other question is when she ARRIVED TO HER HOUSE¿ and no video of that?

  6. jessicano3 says:

    what does she say at 3.47 ?

  7. marioom25 says:

    how didi the paps knew that linds at sam’s house????

  8. rladmlwl87 says:

    they are together?!
    I wonder seriously!!

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