Living Lohan E04 Part2

Scene I: Big Brother says: “My sister Ali is really mature” Scene II: Ali wants a sixth dog so she kicks the floor and slams doors because she “does not take no for an answer” What’s the name of the play?

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25 Responses

  1. aniuskk says:

    my god what A HORRIBLE HOUSE

  2. Gymnastixguurl says:

    my name is Nina !

  3. onedayillbehisfriend says:

    “…Linsay going through all her crap…” lol

  4. dudesonLAPLAND says:

    what’s the song at 2:30?

  5. psychogirl0413 says:

    love the mom, cant stand ali.

  6. AnaCalories says:

    micheal doesn’t look like the rest of them he looks more like the dad.

  7. xSmoerfiix says:

    are they gonna have another season ?

  8. americantouch says:

    in micheals room why does it say male and how comes his girlfriend goes in there

  9. Melissamia9 says:


  10. Miracleez says:

    6 dogs?? I wish my parents would let me have 6 dogs…never in the life lol. =P

  11. Shazl3cious says:

    if u see then every family sorta like this…every teenager behaves like this….ali is not spoiled.she is nice.

  12. blair57x says:

    and hes so sweet too <33

  13. PolkaDotz212 says:

    Hey everyone!! i missed the living lohan episode, in which ali lohan was bullied and creamed with shaving cream…if anyone has the link to this video or the video, plz answer me!!!!

  14. EleSportySpiceSpears says:

    Michael Is Soooooo Hot!

  15. morg256 says:

    all those short ugly small doga are so bad bahaved…. gosh and she wants another one!

  16. betellearfin says:


    what you just said was weird.
    you wish michael was your brother cause
    hes hot !?!??!

  17. angel0092 says:

    im so happy micahel nd cody exist within tha family
    there so NORMAL
    nd michael is like the one wit his head on straight

  18. jmc1987jcgc says:

    I love wen the dog falls into the waist basket, LOL!!!!! Wat a l’il brat Ali is.. My dad would have taken it back in ten seconds, my mom maybe not.. But God, what a spoiled brat she is…..

  19. SandraHeartsRyan says:

    haha! i love you.

  20. verycoldice2 says:

    7 bitches in that house (5 dogs though)

  21. fantasyk87 says:

    Yeah, cody’s really cute, and micheal seems a great boy and brother!

  22. KatrinKristine says:

    yeah thats true Dina Virgo, Ali Capricorn soo alikely

  23. molata1988 says:

    i never knew lindsey had such a cute brother????
    i cnt belive it shes just never with him!!

  24. monikajankowska says:

    rofl at the dogs! ahahah

  25. Angelfrostcake3012 says:

    I wish Michael was my brother he’s so caring and so hot!

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