Lindsay Lohan Film Set

Lindsay Lohan Film Set

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25 Responses

  1. scottpowe says:

    the name of the movie is “Labor Pains” comes out this yaer 2009

  2. meeoowww01 says:

    just shut up

  3. ppaarrsseekk says:

    “good morning Lindsay…”
    ahahahahahah jackass!!

  4. felipecorreaaraujoo says:

    Labor Pains

  5. clempavi says:

    who knows which movie..she made a lot movies in 2006

  6. derekwilliams1982 says:


  7. thairibis says:

    what movie is this?

  8. crazziii says:

    I’d rather EAT a hero sandwich.

  9. derekwilliams1982 says:

    That rude comment was about Lindsay Lohan and had nothing to do with you. Why respond to it? You can be assured Lindsay Lohan would not have bothered responding to a comment that was written about you. As the paparazzi say: “Don’t be a hero–sandwich!”

  10. crazziii says:

    Is this supposed to be a high and mighty response? You posted a rude comment and I responded thats all. Don’t read so much into it.

  11. derekwilliams1982 says:

    “She was walking with her girlfriend. That is a big scoop.”


  12. derekwilliams1982 says:

    Yes, I am. BTW, Lindsay Lohan does not care if you are coming to her defense. She is not interested in you or your life. It’s strange how civilians seem to take criticism of their favorite celebrities as a personal affront when these same celebrities wouldn’t concern them selves with them at all!

  13. crazziii says:

    You’re basing this on what, your own opinion?

  14. brycesisgay says:

    Don’t laugh at this! Just do it
    Start thinking something you really really want cause this is
    astounding the person that sent this to? me said their wish came true 10
    mins after they read the mail so I thought what the heck
    You have just been visited by DrSuess’s Cat in the Hat. He will grant
    one wish
    Make your wish when the count down is over
    Send this to 10 videos within the hour you read this.
    If you do, your wish will come true

  15. eveningniteshade says:

    She was walking with her girlfriend. That is a big scoop.

  16. garni323 says:

    LINDSAY IS FUGLY!!she’s full os shit and, FRECKLES!! brenda song or, natalie portman are way better than this bitch!

  17. derekwilliams1982 says:

    Hey, if it were not for these paparazzi Lindsay Lohan would have been a completely washed up has been at the age of twenty. And she knows it most of all!

  18. derekwilliams1982 says:

    Well, at least she actually working!

  19. PadrethePio says:

    obviously you give a crap about celebs otherwise you wouldn’t watch this vid.

  20. KTeddyP says:

    What is the point of being one step below a stocker? Like who gives a crap about celebs getting a cup of coffee. How pissed do you think it makes them feel that you’re in the faces Every waking moment they go out to have some human contact. Jesus, you should try to do what she’s trying to do. Hang out with some friends… 7 minutes of crap, like leave them alone jesus, no one wants to see her walk around and watch you say… hey lindsay… you come here everyday…

  21. MACKATTACK1970 says:

    Sophia Vergara leaves dumps in the toilet that look better than Lindsay.

  22. ilike666 says:

    Lindsay are a big talent !!! She is so good!!

  23. ilike666 says:

    hhaa you early haha tlak about being a stalker got dam!!

  24. iamqueef says:

    butt pinches!

  25. ninawalters says:

    🙂 it was cool
    Lindsay rocks!!

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