The 2nd American Revolution

The 2nd American Revolution … Sarah Palin john mccain obama new world order russia georgia lou dobbs glenn beck bush orleans Hurricane ike clinton ron paul biden britney spears paris hilton nafta cafta lindsey lohan Beijing 2008 Jonas Brothers bailout rescue plan congress vice presidential debate gold stock market main street wall martial law

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25 Responses

  1. bulbheadmyass says:

    Bravo, great video, redskinz, the lyrics are awesome. 5*****

  2. bulbheadmyass says:

    “un-arguable” evidence, GordyHarmony? No such thing, arguments can be made to anything.

  3. PuzzleKing says:

    Nice rapsong, I like the lyrics and the beat. It fits together and the rappers are spitting no bullshit.

    It’s not only America what sucks. It’s Europe too oO

  4. GordyHarmony says:

    Can any of you idiots bring forth any true, un-arguable evidence that the Government is corrupt? The moment that you can do that, without simply saying “THE TRUTH IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU” or spewing out random conspiracys, I will happily join your cause. Until then, I’l stick to being a happy sailor in the United States Navy, thanks.

  5. GhostHunter1986 says:

    lol nice quote that last part sonds like something from gundam wing

  6. YeahGotYouNow says:

    its pure evel you’ll see…
    when they nuke some city’s and blame it on iran ^^

  7. YeahGotYouNow says:

    Power To The People!!
    Live Free Or Die Trying!!!

  8. simonfrouws says:

    good real song vn

  9. nlrobber says:

    my comment was meant for soldiers and police cops that think they defend freedom.

  10. nlrobber says:

    the nwo wil use guys like you. that think they fight for good but are just a pion in a much greater game of the global elite.
    im not gonna take it on you, cause you mind and the way of thinking is already infected by allday mainstrain shit. im not even american but the way i see it. im glad i dont live in america. cause if there are already milions of people in america that want to rise up against the goverment. than hell wil break lose over there. you can stay ignore it but it wil happen !

  11. BreathrenUnited says:

    who did the song and do you know the name of it?

  12. AvEryBadApPLe says:

    it’s obviously too late for prayers and hope. some people simply deserve their head on a pike.

  13. taylorjohnson4077 says:

    i kinda understand what you are saying. I don’t know if The NWO is “evil” but if it turns on me you can bet im not gonna take it.

  14. EnemyXofXtheXNWO says:

    WE don’t hate. WE don’t want to control. Don’t tread on us is our motto. But we Americans have a right to change the government, and rebel as needed. WE have the right to form a NEW Government when this one proves that is no longer representing the American citizen. I promise you if we were able to try our government in the world court WE would win. Our government is corrupt. And when it does turn on US we will fight back and WE will prevail.

  15. GordyHarmony says:

    Well, this video just pissed me off. I’m a Petty Officer Third Class in the Navy and I’m sick of all you conspiracy morons. Lets wrong with the “NWO”, if there was one.

    This is all you guys say, all day long:

  16. LorcaAdonai says:

    why does this seem like propaganda?

  17. gtocruisn says:

    I don’t trust you. At one time defense would have seemed logical to me. But I now believe the manipulation to be so two faced that the only way to really “win” is to know as much about the truth of who we are as a species, as we can. The truth is we are all one. To physically fight this is to continue promoting the status quo. Litterally we must raise up to a higher vibrational awareness. Accept our dark side and Love ourselves into a better world.

  18. Loaded300 says:

    Iraq is just an example of what the U.S.A. will experience. The U.S.A. is going to fall. I hate to say it because of our limited freedom we have is close to True Freedom, but there will be a hug change and it won’t occur in 2012. It will happen after when Good and Evil fight for everyone on this Earth.

  19. Loaded300 says:

    Why should we not defend ourselves? If you can point me in the direction of one of these Illuminati members, a high ranking member, I will make him sing’ like an eagle that tells the truth.

  20. gtocruisn says:

    The group putting out these videos must be illuminati shills! It is full of iconic terroristic style of revolution. Exactly what those promoting the NWO would like us to behave like so they can put us into their FEMA camps and gas us and turn our bodies to oil. Don’t fall for this propaganda!

  21. TROX3L118 says:

    Is that what you would have said to our brothers at the boston tea party?

  22. aza1aus says:

    That was awesome, also check out Immortal Technique.

  23. luis1coelho says:

    well done people. carry on hating and arming. that’s what they want. that’s what people like alex jones want. people to react and revolt. to make their lives easier. people who resort to violence and so have no brains. worst, they’re spiritually dead, no hope. alex jones is promoting divisions, uprisings and he’s not telling the real truth. he’s just an elite agent…but u carry on hating, hahaha, makes me laugh !!! hahaha poor you !!! pray for some wisdom and discernment to God.

  24. TsarCloud27 says:

    Whats that song?

  25. De908 says:

    …threatening than a bunch of fucking black kids shooting up an LA neighborhood, than video taping themselves with their colors flying saying “dont fuck with us niggaz. we blast yo ass fool.” jesus. just drink your sorrows away or pick up meth. do something else because right now you’re doing nothing. if you want a fucking revolution, you could at least start by getting more viewers on youtube.

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