What are you waiting for. Lindsay Lohan

A video I made for my history class.

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24 Responses

  1. GurCa10 says:

    yes, its a cover of it by Lindsay Lohan, it was featured in one of her movies, but i can’t think of it now.

  2. NewboysGuatemala says:

    This is Natalie Grant song?

  3. CorazonAbierto172 says:

    what beautiful movie and the song

  4. WILL4065 says:

    poor people
    this is the real life

  5. 2k7flirtz2k7 says:

    the twin towers thing always makes me feel relee upset, coz like so many people died. really good video thing though 🙂 x

  6. kissmeimirish360 says:


  7. TomLennox24 says:

    no thats not sad….the aerial is not showing the soldiers, its showing the terrorists who the soldiers are targeting 🙂
    this is what ppl for fucking with our country

  8. kissmeimirish360 says:

    At 3:37 thats sooooo sad! 🙁

  9. Konew7 says:

    it make all sense 😐

  10. xoSHARON101xo says:

    this is a great vid

  11. Nonielaa says:

    so touching x

  12. Luv4basketball5 says:

    This video is really touching and sad :[[

  13. ssaallaah says:


  14. browneyedcutey says:

    this video is sooooooo sad “cry cry”

  15. GurCa10 says:

    thanks!!! My cousin was in the war but he got to stay on a base. Sorry about your dad

  16. duhhxilovexyou says:

    that was amazing. thank you so much for putting this on for spreading awareness for 9/11 the tsunami and iraq my father died in irag so im very glad you posted this.

  17. AtemRehema says:

    Wow, you’d have better have gotten an A. The scenes were touching, I feel sry for them. Good work

  18. amcs says:

    wow! i love the video, the song, everything! i liked it so much
    very good job!


    I totally agree!

  20. cheri12929 says:

    wow! this song/video was so amazing… the pic on 3;25 was so sad… he was soo tiny!!


  21. GurCa10 says:

    lol yea I did

  22. wwexcheerxlife says:

    good job! im sure you got an A (:

  23. emiiliegrlx3 says:

    g00000000d job :}

    i liked it .
    the song fits perfectly

  24. JeramyM363 says:

    nice good work like it

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