Take me away

freaky friday … Lindsay lohan

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16 Responses

  1. Slayress says:

    If you guys liked this you should try to collect her cd’s shes awesome. A bit emo but awesome.

  2. sr200179 says:

    the guitar solo ROCKS!!!! 🙂

  3. alwaysstickit224 says:

    I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!! and the vid is funni too. lol

  4. Orinka says:

    super 😀

  5. Slayress says:

    Actually Lindsay sang right along with her as well as the goth girl sang. So all three of them sang it not just Christina Vidal…

  6. vetgirl85 says:

    Thank you americhi!!!! Its about time someone notice that the song is by CHRISTINA VIDAL not lindsey lohan!!!!

  7. Slayress says:

    Ick, I don’t really like Lindsay Lohan but I did like her character in this movie and I adored this version of freaky friday and I do like this song she sang. Kinda cool.

  8. mjZeroSixTwentyOne says:

    ^_^ i love this song!
    this song made this movie one of my faves 😀


  9. nemmys says:

    ouuuuh I Love !!! Rocks !! lol

  10. americhi says:

    This song is actually by Christina Vidal not Lindsay Lohan… making it more awesome really.

  11. candykaffie says:

    luv u lindsay lohan!!!
    u rockz 4 evur!

  12. SweetLadoronaSerpent says:

    this song rocks!

  13. loverofdisney says:

    I love this song and Ultimate the songs from freaky friday r the best songs by lindsey lohan

  14. PhyllisPan says:

    This Song Totally Rocks!

  15. parngc says:

    Wow You Rock.

  16. kimchan says:

    ehehe… love her…

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